
Master these five basic points in chrysanthemum potting skills

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Speaking of chrysanthemum, it has always been regarded as a flower in memory of the deceased, but in fact, chrysanthemum is one of the four gentlemen. In ancient times, chrysanthemum has always been a metaphorical plant used by Chinese scholars to reflect their vengeance or honesty.

Speaking of chrysanthemum, it has always been regarded as a flower in memory of the deceased, but in fact, chrysanthemum is one of the four gentlemen. In ancient times, chrysanthemum has always been a metaphorical plant used by Chinese scholars to reflect their vengeance or honesty. Secondly, chrysanthemum has large petals and various colors, and it is very good to keep the balcony at home. But chrysanthemums also need to be divided into pots. Today we will talk about how to divide chrysanthemums into pots.

1. The time of dividing the basin

The best time for chrysanthemum pots is when the temperature is warm, such as April-May, after entering spring, it is the peak season for plant growth, so the time of pot division is very important for the late growth of chrysanthemum.

2. Selection of basin soil.

After dividing the basin, we have to change the soil again, we should choose which kind of acidic soil, but also the kind of loose, fertile, ventilated and drained water, because good soil can make the growth of chrysanthemums in the later stage very favorable, even blooming big flowers.

3. How to water

We should pay attention to chrysanthemums whether they have more or less water, because when there is not enough water, the leaves on the stem will turn yellow, and there will be yellow edges on the edge of the petals. If there is too much water, we need to drain the water, because the stagnant water will make the root of the chrysanthemum can not breathe normally, which will lead to the death of the root. Therefore, when we water, we must pay attention to the dry and wet condition of the basin soil, and do not water it along with the edge.

4. Pruning in time

Chrysanthemums grow a lot of buds at the initial stage of growth, and if they are not pruned in time, they will absorb a lot of nutrients, so when they bloom in the later stage, the flowers will be small and the color will not be bright because of the lack of nutrients. so timely pruning is conducive to keeping nutrients in the rhizome.

In addition to dividing the pot for chrysanthemum, there are many ways for chrysanthemum to reproduce, such as cuttage, ramet, grafting and so on, each of which needs to be paid attention to. If you want to understand these breeding skills, you must pay attention to me. Secondly, chrysanthemums not only grow well, but also have many effects. Many people like to drink chrysanthemum tea, which has the function of clearing away heat and detoxification, reducing summer heat and reducing fire, so we maintain a pot at home. When necessary, you can also take it off to dry and make tea to drink.