
Tiger Pilan blossoms year after year. Did your tiger Pilan blossom? This method is super simple.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Many flower friends have cultivated tiger skin orchid, but very few can raise the tiger skin orchid to blossom. As long as it is guaranteed that there will not be yellow leaves and rotten roots, I happen to know the secret of the tiger skin orchid growing and blooming at home, after using this method.

Many flower friends have cultivated tiger skin orchid, but very few can raise the tiger skin orchid to blossom. As long as it is guaranteed that there will not be yellow leaves and rotten roots, I happen to know the secret of the tiger skin orchid growing and blooming at home. After using this method, the pot burst every year, and the method is very simple.

Tiger Pilan must have a well-drained soil so that it will not rot its roots, so it is best to add more coarse river sand to the soil, and then add some rotten leaf soil to match it, and Tiger Pilan is still relatively hardy, but in the peak season when Tiger Pilan grows, it is necessary to pour a little more water, and the soil surface is white and dry and then watered.

Tiger skin orchid is more shady, but it is necessary to bask in the sun regularly, as long as you keep two hours of light every day. If you do not bask in the sun for a long time, the ornamental value will be greatly reduced and the luster will not be very good. As long as the tiger skin orchid blossoms, it shows that its growth environment is very good. After the tiger skin orchid blossoms, it needs to pollinate the flowers with cotton swabs. Only in this way can it produce orange small fruits that will look better.