
Tips for growing flowers in summer make them grow fast and flourish and burst easily.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Summer is the peak season for the growth of all kinds of flowers, and summer management is the key. If improper management in summer, it will not only affect its growth, but also produce a lot of adverse factors. Therefore, we should seize the favorable opportunity of summer.

Summer is the peak season for the growth of all kinds of flowers, and summer management is the key. If improper management in summer, it will not only affect its growth, but also produce a lot of adverse factors. Therefore, we should grasp the favorable opportunity of summer, grasp the maintenance points of summer flowers, so that it is no longer difficult to burst the pot.

1, the maintenance environment is the key, the summer temperature is high, the sun is strong, for some negative and semi-negative flowers to timely shade, to avoid direct sunlight. For some sunny flowers, you can put them in a sunny place. Whether it is shade-tolerant flowers or sun-loving flowers, we must ensure the ventilation and ventilation of the conservation environment, because potted flowers are different from ground plants, whose soil will naturally cool down when they are exposed to high temperature, while potted flowers in a small space, encounter high temperature throughout the flowerpot will produce a very high temperature, if the maintenance environment is stuffy and airtight, it is easy to burn flowers, and it is also easy to make germs invade and harm flowers. Therefore, good ventilation is one of the key factors to ensure the safe summer and exuberant growth of flowers.

2, watering should be timely. I believe many people have seen it many times and watered it every few days. How much do you water each time? The author does not have the ability to give the correct answer here, but the editor only knows that the temperature in summer is high and the water evaporates quickly, so the basin should be watered in time when it is found that there is a shortage of water in the basin, because the basin soil in summer is different from winter. The basin soil in winter is dry even after two or three days, while if the basin soil is dry in summer, if it is not watered in time, its leaves can be dried in a short time. But watering must not be at noon, generally before 9: 00 in the morning or evening watering is better. Watering should not be carried rigidly, but should be flexibly mastered according to the degree of dryness and wetness of the basin soil according to their actual conditions.

3, fertilization should be reasonable, summer is the fastest growing season for flowers, and sufficient nutrients are needed in the growth. But the summer temperature is high, the use of organic fertilizer is not recommended, because organic fertilizer encountered high temperature will accelerate fermentation decomposition, increase the temperature in the basin, if not used properly, it is easy to cause root burning. Therefore, in summer, we should choose thin fertilizer and water to water flowers, can also use nutrient solution spray, but also can use slow-release fertilizer directly buried in the flowerpot. However, fertilization should be carried out in the morning or evening, which can effectively avoid burning roots and seedlings, and make the plant grow rapidly.