
The newly bought gardenia will soon be in full bloom after buying back, changing pots, slowing down the seedlings and blooming in one fell swoop.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Xiaoqi taught you how to grow flowers by hand. A flower friend asked me that the gardenia had been bought for a month, and the original soil was not removed and put directly in the pot when changing the pot, and some soil was added around. Now it will slip down as soon as it is watered, and the basin will not soak thoroughly for an hour or two. Now...

Xiao Qi

Teach you how to grow flowers by hand

A flower friend asked me that the gardenia had been bought for a month, and the original soil was not removed and put directly into the basin when the pot was changed, and some soil was added around. Now it will slip down as soon as it is watered, and the basin will not soak thoroughly for an hour or two. Now there are several plants in the pot with drooping leaves. It looks dead. Yeah, what's the next step to take care of?

Recently, gardenia flowers are all made of yellow mud in the market, and his potted soil is very rigid. After the basin soil is hardened, it is easy for us to water or soak the basin for a long time. If there is no water supply for the root system, there will be drooping leaves, yellow leaves and falling buds.

If we find that it is really impenetrable and the leaves have been drooping and lethargic, we must go and change the basin for him. His original soil is loess, and it is hardened. At this time, we can put it under the faucet and wash away most of the soil with water. Try to hurt its capillaries as little as possible. After rinsing, you can put some carbendazim in the whole plant to soak for an hour or two. It can not only play the role of sterilization, but also make its leaves a little more energetic. Newly bought gardenia change pots, watering must add it, not rotten roots, slow seedlings quickly, better than anything else

When we mix the soil, we try to give him loose and breathable soil. We can use four parts of rotten leaf soil, one part of garden soil, one part of river sand and one part of pine needle soil to mix them according to this proportion. It is loose, breathable and nutritious. Can also be allocated to him according to perlite, vermiculite, peat soil, pine needle soil ratio, this soil material is to spend money to buy.

After the soil is prepared, extend the root system of gardenia as far as possible, put it in the basin and plant it on the pot. after compacting the surrounding soil, trim off the leaves at the bottom of gardenia, and its branches should also be trimmed. Shortening his branches can reduce the consumption of nutrients. It is conducive to its rapid slow seedling success. Find a plastic bag with a few holes in it to cover the whole plant in order to create a moist environment for him. It will help it slow down its seedlings quickly. Take him to a cool and ventilated place with the basin. Remember, don't expose yourself to the sun, just see a little scattered light. During this period, I will take off the plastic belt and ventilate her regularly every day. After the basin soil is short of water, it must be watered in time, and new leaves can be seen on the branches in about two weeks. At this time, the plastic bag will be removed gradually. Spray her with water every morning and evening, and gradually give him more light to grow well.

Xiao Qi said the method is his own practice, you can try it. Xiao Qi likes to grow flowers and updates the video and knowledge of growing flowers every day. If you think what Xiao Qi said is OK, please give Xiao Qi a like. Pay attention to Xiao Qi, about the question of growing flowers, you can also stay, Xiao Qi saw a reply to you one by one! Your likes and retweets are the greatest support for Xiao Qi.

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