
It is very important to plant flowers and choose pots. The flowers that grow in the right pots are easy to bloom. Most of them never have yellow leaves.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Xiao Qi teaches you how to grow flowers by hand. Ask the white orchid and Michelia flowers in how big and deep pots. Just take advantage of this topic to talk about how to choose woody flower selection pots. Just bought woody flowers, if the plant is about half a meter, no.

Xiao Qi

Teach you how to grow flowers by hand

The flower friend asked the white orchid and Michelia flowers how big and deep pots they used. Just take advantage of this topic to talk about how to choose woody flower selection pots.

Just bought woody flowers, if the plant is about half a meter, no crown is not very large, use a 20 cm basin, the crown width is about 40 to 50 cm, it is recommended that you choose a 30 cm diameter basin. Especially woody plants, try not to choose high pots. There is more soil in the high basin. If it is outdoor farming, the ventilation effect is better, the light is also more sufficient, he can do it faster. If you choose Gao Pen to raise him, you can. Its basin soil can have a quick drying process. Because of the good ventilation, it is not easy to cause his rotten roots.

If you are really farming indoors, the ventilation effect inside is much worse than that outside. If you encounter continuous cloudy and rainy days, especially in winter. Do not open the window for ventilation, if the basin soil is too wet, it will cause its roots to rot. It's just boring. That kind of high-pot gallon basin, which has only sprung up in recent years, is what we call lazybones. Good water retention, watering once, can hold up for many days, not suitable for indoor use.

The pre-selection pot of plants must not be too large. The newly bought plants have a process of root maintenance, especially for novice plants. if you choose a higher basin, the soil is not so loose and breathable. Watering once may not dry for half a month or even a month, which is very bad for the root system of the plant. This situation is not easy to happen in short pots. If you choose a 20 cm basin in the early stage. If the plant grows luxuriantly and his crown can grow to a large extent, he usually changes the pot for him in a year. A year to change the basin is 20 centimeters for 30 centimeters, and then for 40 centimeters in turn, until your plant is big enough to change a larger basin, we can solve the problem of local nutrition shortage by changing soil for him, or by fertilizing him.

Don't be too lazy in raising woody flowers, because they grow fast. Need a lot of nutrients, every time to change the basin is to add new nutrients to him. The new potted soil will be free of bacteria and well nourished. There will be no serious hardening, which is very good for his growth in the second year. Growing flowers should not be too lazy. It is necessary to change pots every one or two years. Because the plant is growing, its root system will fill the whole basin, and when it is filled, we will ask him to repair it and change it to a larger basin, so that he has plenty of room to grow. If you give her a big basin in the early stage. Novice soil allocation is not so strict, water permeability is slightly poor, watering for a long time not dry, it is easy to suffocate its roots. Even if you don't suffocate, you will grow poorly. Plant growth is carried out on the premise of good root respiration, so this must be noted.

It is best to choose pots for woody plants, and it is best to change pots for her once a year or two according to the growth of the plant, step by step. To save trouble, in order not to change the basin for many years, it is not advisable to give him a large basin at one time.

Xiao Qi said so much, the organizational ability is a little poor, I don't know if you can understand it? I hope I can help you.

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