
Let the triangular plum blossom in the early flowering period, blossom and blossom well and make the flowers bloom like a waterfall.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Triangular plum varieties have many colors, terminal flowers, usually three clusters in the bracts, bracts leaf-like, papery, bracts large, gorgeous like flowers, is the main ornamental part. It likes to fertilize strong growth, extensive management, fewer diseases and insect pests, long florescence, flowers.

Triangular plum varieties have many colors, terminal flowers, usually three clusters in the bracts, bracts leaf-like, papery, bracts large, gorgeous like flowers, is the main ornamental part. It likes fertilizer with strong growth potential, extensive management, less diseases and insect pests, long flowering period and more flowers. Some experiences of early flowering, long flowering period and blooming of triangular plum:

1. Select varieties that are easy to blossom to adapt to local growth.

There are many varieties of triangular plum, some varieties have higher requirements for short sunshine during flower bud differentiation, bloom late, and do not bloom until after October, such as single crimson flowers; others are lax, bloom frequently and can blossom in June, such as single bright red, single rose medium flowers, double bright red; and mosaic rose red is between the two.

2. Safe wintering is a necessary condition for early flowering.

In general, triangular plum varieties overwinter in winter where there is sufficient light, more than 15 degrees can continue to blossom, about 12 degrees will shed leaves, and some varieties below 8 degrees are easy to produce frost injury. Overwintering day and night temperature difference is too big, the soil is too wet will hurt the bud, delay flowering. Overwintering to maintain more than 8 degrees, the basin soil is slightly dry, which is conducive to early flowers. When the temperature is stable in the middle of April, you will go out of the room to prevent the flower buds from freezing. In the well-wintered and well-preserved triangular plum, the blooming phenomenon of many flowers and few leaves can be seen in May, and the general flowers can also be seen at the end of June.

3. Choose the environment with strong sunshine, high temperature and good ventilation to plant triangular plum.

Such as the roof and the all-day terrace, the sun is strong and the temperature is high after late April; the flower rack in front of the window of the south balcony is closed, and the sunlight is reflected and ventilated by glass; the terrain facing the sun and backing against the high wall has strong light and heat radiation; these environments are favorable for early flower sighting, flowering for a long time and more flowers.

4. Rational fertilization, timely water control and flower promotion.

Fertilizing to master the right amount of base fertilizer, topdressing in time, thin fertilizer frequently applied to meet the needs, emphasis on phosphorus and potassium, nitrogen fertilizer is not excessive. When the new leaves turn green in spring, part of the soil should be changed and an appropriate amount of mature organic fertilizer should be applied as basic fertilizer to avoid sprouting and growing branches. After the branches and leaves flourish, control the water and promote the flowers. (watering in the morning and spraying in the evening, the branches and leaves wilt in the afternoon. ) irrigate or spray thin fertilizer. A large number of buds appeared after pouring organic nutrient solution-based thin fertilizer, turned into normal watering, "dry and wet". In the later stage of full flowering and after returning to pruning after flowering, topdressing should be timely (pouring balanced fertilizer) to restore growth as soon as possible after full flowering, sprout new buds, and then control water to promote flowers if the branches are luxuriant. Through artificial and rhythmic water control and fertilization, flower bud differentiation can be effectively promoted and multi-batch flowering can be realized. (generally do not control water during flowering and late September to the beginning of winter) for plants with vegetative growth and excessive stem and leaf growth, more efforts can be made to control water, such as stopping watering 2-4 angels wilting. In the future, watering is only for the minimum needs of life; water control for about 15-20 days, when the growth of the top of the branch stops, the leaf color turns yellowish green, and then transferred to normal watering to promote flower bud differentiation.

5. The pot should be slightly smaller, which is beneficial to water control and prevention of overgrowth, and is easy to blossom. The pot is small and fat enough to blossom frequently, and the bright light blossoms early at high temperature.

6. pick the heart early and trim it moderately

In the six-leaf stage of spring sprouting new branches, the number of flowering branches is increased by removing two and four promoting branches. Pruning is mainly to remove overgrown branches, bore branches, overlapping branches, shaded branches and pruning after flowering. If you stagger the back-cutting time of each flower branch, it is beneficial to the continuous flowering. The purpose of pruning is to suppress excessive vegetative growth and prevent empty consumption of nutrients, which is conducive to the reception of direct sunlight and ventilation. The growth period is generally not re-cut. Heavy pruning is easy to sprout, but long branches blossom late.

7. Foliar spraying of plant growth regulators can promote flower bud differentiation and blossom early, with short interval between flowering batches, short internodes and compact plant shape. (the concentration is about 5/1000, avoid contact with bronze ware)

8. Turn the basin and change the soil in time

It is necessary to turn the basin to repair the root and change the soil every 2-3 years to restore the growth potential, or to change the soil locally in the basin every year to supplement mature organic fertilizer. For many years, the old plant still needs to renew the crown to rejuvenate to prevent the shortage of water and fertilizer, and the plant does not blossom when it ages. Turning the basin and changing the soil are mostly carried out when it is cut back after flowering in May. (if there is no flower, when the new leaves change color in late April)

9. Short-day treatment regulates florescence.

Such as "National Day" flowers, can be shaded 50 days in advance, 6-8 hours a day strong sunlight, the rest of the time shading must reach 95%. 50 days later, when the newly issued axillary buds show flower buds, they can be maintained normally in the sun until they are in full bloom.