
Novice Flowers: five pieces of advice given to you by a fleshy friend who has been succulent for 6 years

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, There are many functions of decapitation for succulent plants: beheading can change from one to two to four; succulent plants need to be beheaded when they grow up; succulent plants need to be decapitated; and succulent plants can be decapitated by a single head. So how on earth should we give meat? Beheading is necessary.

There are many functions of decapitation for succulent plants: beheading can change from one to two to four; succulent plants need to be beheaded when they grow up; succulent plants need to be decapitated; and succulent plants can be decapitated by a single head. So how on earth should we give meat? What problems do you need to pay attention to when beheading? Next, the little exquisite life will discuss with you one by one.

1. The position of decapitation of succulent plants

As can be seen from the above picture, the position of four beheadings is marked in the picture, and beheading from these four positions will correspond to different results. Beheading from the No. 1 position is also called "pinching the head", which will make the mother plant burst a large number of lateral buds quickly, which is very spectacular, but the chopped head is very difficult to take root and survive; the No. 2 position is decapitated, and the mother plant leaves a layer of leaves at this time. In this way, the mother plant can recover more quickly, and lateral buds will burst, and the cut new head can also take root smoothly and become a brand-new meat plant. In position 3, the head of the meat is completely cut off, and the new head cut off can easily take root, but the amount of lateral buds of the mother plant will be less; in position 4, the new head will take root more easily, but the chance of lateral buds will be less, and it is difficult for the mother plant to recover. You can decide the position of beheading according to your needs. If you just want to blow your head quickly, you can choose No. 1; if you want to breed, you can choose No. 2; if you have black rot and other diseases, you can choose the location of beheading according to the actual situation.

2. The season of beheading of succulent plants

Spring and autumn is the most suitable season for meat beheading, which is the peak growing season for most meat. After beheading, the mother plant can quickly recover and produce lateral buds, and the new head can also take root quickly. Beheading in summer is prone to black rot or dissolving water, so summer beheading is not recommended unless it is necessary.

3. Tools for succulent decapitation

If there are conditions, it is recommended to use a medical scalpel, but you can also use a beauty knife if you can't get a medical scalpel. It is not recommended to use scissors, because scissors have the effect of squeezing, it is easy to hurt the tissue near the wound, which is likely to cause wilting.

4. the operation method of decapitation for succulent plants.

After choosing the position of beheading, take off the nearby leaves for a circle, so that it will be easier to cut. Fix the meat and cut it off along the selected position with a scalpel or art knife. after cutting, place the mother plant in a ventilated and cool environment for a week to avoid water in the wound and maintain it normally after recovery. the new head should also be placed in a cool and ventilated place until the wound is completely dry and contracted and then put on the basin.

5. The upper pot of succulent decapitated seedlings

Talk about pots. When a new head is cut off, if it comes into direct contact with the basin soil, it may be infected with fungi, fail to take root and die. Therefore, the correct way to put the decapitated seedling on the basin is to dig a small concave surface on the surface of the basin soil. The width and depth of the concave surface is that the stem of the decapitated seedling is close to the basin soil, but it is appropriate to put the meat on the small pit. In this way, the new root will take the initiative to drill into the basin soil at that time, and will not cause rot because the stem directly touches the basin soil. After putting on the basin, it needs to be placed in a ventilated and cool environment, and the roots can grow in 2-3 weeks, and then it can be maintained normally.

The above is about the succulent decapitation of some operating methods and points for attention, I hope to be useful to friends.

The little exquisite life is arranged and released.