
Is your succulent plant still inflexible? Take this big move quickly.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The 15th? Qian Yan love succulent love life (WeChat: duorou91) reply to "Community" and 20W meat friends to bask together! Backstage reply "delicious meat", "summer, watering, leaf insertion, soil, disinfestation, black rot" view phase.

October 15


Foreword Qian Yan

Love succulent love life (WeChat: duorou91) reply "Community" to share with 20W meat friends!

The background replied "delicious meat", "summer, watering, leaf insertion, soil allocation, disinfestation, black rot" to view the relevant maintenance knowledge.

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Editor / succulent plant sink

In this season when it is so hot that you don't want to complain, there should be very few meat friends who choose to insert leaves, but recently some meat friends are still asking what to do about sticky seedlings. So the painstaking chief of the exchange must not sit idly by!

A stiff seedling is a situation in which the seedling has not grown for a long time, the surface is not glossy, and the leaves are withered but have not yet died.

Sometimes meat lovers may mistakenly think that this is caused by the slow growth or dormancy of succulent plants, but our meat-raising hearts should not be too big.

Stiff seedlings will lead to blocked hair roots, slow emergence of leaves, stagnation of growth and other phenomena, although it is not very serious, but can not be ignored, otherwise your flesh will never grow up, or even necrosis, encounter this kind of situation or early treatment.

First of all, let's take a look at the causes of succulent seedlings. Only by knowing the source can we guard against them.

Generally lack of water, basin is too large, as well as high temperature and other factors may lead to this phenomenon.


1. Mix the prepared succulent soil into fluvo-aquic soil, and then dig out the seedlings with tweezers

2. Buy Xiaomiao into the pre-selected tidal soil

3. After being moved, the water will be fed slowly for a few days. After transplanting the seedlings, the seedlings can resume their growth.

By the way, the chief will talk about the problems that should be paid attention to in the process of leaf insertion:

Leaf cutting is generally suitable in spring and autumn, and the temperature is better between 18 degrees and 25 degrees.

First of all, you can check whether the budding end of a small leaf has dried up, so whether the ambient temperature of the leaf is appropriate, pay attention to ventilation in the process of leaf insertion, and cultivate it in astigmatism at the beginning to avoid direct sunlight.

It is better to plant seedlings in small pots during the growing period of seedlings with rigid leaves, instead of directly planting them in large pots, which will "hang seedlings" and lead to the phenomenon of rigid seedlings.

First plant in a suitable small basin, wait for its growth before moving the basin. In addition, succulent plants should be changed every 2 or 3 years according to the variety and the size of the plant (some varieties of seedlings can even be transplanted several times a year, that is, the so-called move, big).

So much for the succulent and stiff seedlings. If you have any other questions, you must leave a message for the chief, who will read it. We should all raise the meat well together.

Note: the pictures and some of the information in this article come from the Internet. If there is any infringement, please contact the background to delete it.

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