
The overall strategy of pine bonsai modeling

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, First, the complete process of bonsai modeling. A foundation-the comprehensive quality of culture and art and the technical basis of bonsai production. 2. Four stages: creative preparation: potted materials and tools, soil, basin, etc. Idea: from creative motivation to the future.

I. the complete process of bonsai modeling

1. A foundation-the comprehensive quality of culture and art and the technical basis of bonsai production.

2. Four stages:

Creative preparation: potted materials and tools, soil, pots, etc.

Conception: from creative motivation to the birth of the image of the complete work in the future. The idea is based on the principle of "taking measures in accordance with their aptitude". Looking for the "viewing surface", it should be noted that the requirement of the viewing surface is from the root plate to the top of the trunk, and its stretching posture and development trend can play a decisive role. The second is the left and right branches. For example, when creating, we should pay attention to the trunk to tuck in the abdomen, so as to form a space before the formation, and a depth at the back: the stem tip tilts forward to form a cordial and harmonious meaning.

Processing and production: Zunshun series of bonsai artistic expressions, gardening measures such as hanging, pruning, carving and other horticultural measures to complete the specific processing and production procedures. First the trunk and then the branches, the shape of the branches should be from the bottom up, and finally on the basin.

Maintenance and improvement: conservation is the continuation of bonsai modeling of trees, is the stage of improvement. Bonsai is a living work of art that can never be completed.

Second, the creative characteristics of pine bonsai

1. Pine bonsai should be created with magnificent and masculine beauty.

2. According to the ecological and physiological characteristics of pine, it is determined that it can only use the original branches for hanging modeling, in order to reflect the natural posture of overlapping branches.

3. Pine trees are sun-loving and drought-tolerant, so it is appropriate to choose soil with good drainage and ventilation and purple sand shallow mouth basin.

Third, the transplanting modeling time of pine bonsai materials

The best time for transplanting pine bonsai materials is from August to early September and from January to early February in the lunar calendar.

The best time for pine bonsai modeling is from December to early February of the lunar calendar.

4. Roots, stems and branches are the skeleton structures of bonsai trees.

Modeling means that the skeleton structure of the root, stem and branch of the material is recombined according to the artistic law of bonsai beauty, so as to make it a living bonsai art work with complete coordination, smooth lines and far-reaching artistic conception.

The main contents of the reorganization are: trade-off, adjustment and correction.

1. Backbone processing

The posture of trees in nature is ever-changing, mostly because the growth environment of trees is different, which leads to different changes in the posture of the trunk, so the treatment of trunk is the key to the modeling of bonsai trees. Although there are many kinds of tree trunk in nature, to sum up, there are only two basic forms: straight trunk and curved trunk. Qu Gan can be the deformation treatment of "S" shape, and can be divided into several bonsai forms, such as oblique dry type, qu dry type, cliff type and so on.

Requirements for the trunk of trees:

No matter qu Gan or straight Gan, it requires that the trunk be gradually shrunk from the bottom up. The speed of change is fast, it can make short and strong bonsai, and the speed of change is slow, it can be made into "literati tree" bonsai.

In addition to the straight stem, the trunk lines are required to stretch naturally and bend properly.

For example, if it is a multi-dry material, we should not only pay attention to the above two points, but also pay attention to the changes in the size of the trunk, primary and secondary, density and dispersion, and so on.

How to deal with the backbone:

Truncation: the bonsai material of the tree is constantly changing from the base to the top of the trunk, such as the thickness of the stem, the curvature of the stem, the position of the branch on the trunk, the texture and color of the bark, etc., where you think that the upper part of the trunk lacks change or is ordinary; if you think that the height of the section is not enough, in order to perfect coordination, stand the highest branch instead of the top tip.

Use simple machinery to correct the trunk stretching posture, make it IN and shorter or make the trunk lines more vigorous and vivid. Curvature and straightness are all talents, and it is possible for the trunk lines to meet the requirements of bonsai beauty and give full play to its characteristics.

The trunk shape of the small bonsai is generally properly bent in order to reflect the vigorous and beautiful music.

2. Branch treatment

Branch treatment, the most concentrated embodiment of the bonsai modeling of the trade-off, adjustment, correction of the specific content.

(1) the choice of branches: the most concerned issues are the elimination of branches, the ideal position of the first branch in the trunk, the length of branches, the density of branches, the change of branches, the composition of the crown, the description of the outer profile of the crown, and so on.

According to the general rule, the diameter of the branch should be about 1x4 of the diameter of the main stem of the branch. In a straight picture work, the length of the branch should be much shorter than the height of the main thousand; in the work of the banner picture, the length of the branch may exceed the height of the trunk.

The first branch should be at the height of the trunk 1 up and down 3 or 2 up and down 3. The branches of pine bonsai should be slightly higher to reflect the tall and straight style, but it is not suitable to branch at the height of the trunk.

The distance between the first branch and its upper branch is the largest to highlight the main branch. The more upward the development, the closer the distance between the branches, so as to make the crown plump, and pay attention to prevent the phenomenon of "showing neck". The choice and control of branches should be strict in the lower part and lenient in the upper part.

The first branch is the longest branch of the whole tree, which develops upward in turn, and should be gradually thinned and shortened. To form a crown as an unequilateral triangle. With regard to the overall treatment of branches, there are changes in front and back, length and density, so that the actual outer line of the crown should be a free curve with ups and downs, in and out, rhythm and light sense of music.

The branches that should be avoided in the modeling process are generally whorled branches, symmetrical branches, erect branches, inward branches, close parallel branches, cross branches, front branches, front branches, back branches, cut dry branches and so on. One way to deal with these branches is to adjust their extension direction, and the other is to delete them directly.

(2) the direction of branch growth was adjusted. There are up and down adjustments and front and back adjustments.

The growth direction of tree branches in nature varies with tree species, tree age and growth environment, which can be summed up in the following different forms: upward extension type, flat type, sagging type and radial type.

The branches of pine and cypress bonsai should be flattened and drooping, while the spreading or drooping angle of the branches is generally 45. Between 900 and 900. the angles formed by the branches and trunks of the same tree are generally the same and should not be changed at will. For miscellaneous trees, it varies from tree to tree, and it can be appropriately relaxed to allow "miscellaneous evening, some."

Before and after the branch adjustment has a range, generally only in a plane to make a small angle adjustment, so that the branch has a natural stretch, simple and generous beauty.

(3) Correction of branch stretching posture

"combining strength with softness" is the basic requirement for the stretching posture of a tree branch, which refers to the posture change of a branch, which should have two different line segments with different properties. If we decompose these segments with different properties, it includes no more than straight lines and arcs, as well as hard and soft angles intersected by them, and straight lines and arcs can be divided into different segments of growth, short, thick and thin. We should organize the above different line segments in a branch, so that under the premise of natural stretch and moderate coordination, slightly irregular change and development, this is the ideal attitude in line with the requirements of bonsai art.

In branch modeling, simple and monotonous repetitive gestures such as wave, sawtooth, straight line and arc should be avoided as far as possible.

With the development of branches, branches are gradually formed. The shape of the branches should not be too strict, too standardized, and the requirements should be slightly natural and loose. The size and shape of the film depends on the conditions of the branch itself and the relationship between the upper and lower branches, the left and right branches, to ensure tacit understanding and moderate coordination. Each piece must have a main branch throughout. Large branches are also allowed to have multiple branches in order to form a vivid, lively and real posture with branches and pieces in the branches.

3. Root treatment

Root is not only the foundation of trees, but also an important ornamental part of bonsai trees, but also the embodiment of the integrity of the works, so it can not be ignored.

It is very important to use the word "root plate" to describe the group and group structure of tree roots. The main function of the root plate is to firmly support the whole tree and to absorb and store nutrients.

An ideal root disk, it must be:

There are roots in all directions, and there are relatively strong root groups before and after the left and right sides of the root plate.

After the root protrudes from the root disc, there must be primary and secondary branches in order to see vigor and a sense of age. And require its posture to change and a sense of fluency, to avoid stiff, overlapping, cross and other taboos.

The root plate is closely attached to the soil surface, and the extension of the root should be flat, not high and low, so that it appears to be powerful.

The root disc must uplift on the soil surface and be exposed to sunlight in order to age the cortex of the root and unify it with the trunk skin.

The treatment of the root must be through trade-off, adjustment, correction and other means in order to achieve the ideal root disk structure.

Due to the different forms of pine bonsai, there are different requirements for the distribution of roots, so we pay attention to the use of artistic expression techniques such as balance, hidden dew and so on.

V. maintenance and improvement

Conservation management is the continuation of the modeling of bonsai trees and the stage of maintenance and improvement of works. It takes as little as two or three years, and as long as ten, twenty years or more. Its main contents include basin soil preparation, fertilizer use, water control, site selection, plastic modification, turning basin and soil change, pest control and so on. Among them, plastic surgery and modification are directly related to the shaping of the image of the work, while the other items promote the improvement of the work from the point of view of the healthy growth of bonsai trees.