
Florists recommend that you keep these five kinds of flowers, which are good-looking and easy to raise, with a special meaning.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, With the continuous improvement of living standards, many people will keep some flowers at home, but there are so many kinds of flowers that they do not know what kind of flowers to choose. Today, the five kinds of flowers introduced from flower farmers are recommended to everyone.

With the continuous improvement of living standards, many people will raise some flowers at home, but there are so many kinds of flowers that they do not know what kind of flowers to choose. Today, the five kinds of flowers introduced from the florist are recommended to everyone, oh, good-looking and easy to raise, mainly with a special meaning!

1. Longevity flower

The plant of longevity flower is small and delicate, compact and colorful, which is most suitable for home decoration, and it also has the meaning of good luck and longevity, especially for flower friends who have old people at home.

Longevity flower is relatively easy to raise a kind of plant, like light but not sun-resistant, now the weather should pay attention to give it proper shade, teach drought tolerance, basin soil has signs of dry crack to water, in the morning can spray some water vapor to the leaves to increase humidity.

2. Plain sailing

Plain sailing, also known as white taro, is a perennial herb, stemless or short stem, larger leaves, with formaldehyde, benzene and other functions, can purify the air, with the meaning of "plain sailing".

Plain sailing likes the high temperature environment, can be placed around the north balcony or hall windowsill, pay attention to sunshade in summer, the root system is more sensitive to fertilizer, but can not apply heavy fertilizer, otherwise it will cause root burning, keep the basin soil slightly wet, not often watered.

3. Sunflower

Sunflower, known as immortal flower, is a very easy to raise flowers, it is easy to burst pot, its plant type is not large, the same plant can produce flowers of various colors, very beautiful, it symbolizes hope, positive, sunshine and so on.

To raise sunflowers, you only need to remember one sentence: bask in the sun and water more. in maintenance, you can bury a bone powder and eggshell powder into the basin soil, which can provide nutrients for a long time. During the flowering period, you can apply some phosphorus and potassium fertilizer to help bloom and prolong the flowering period.

4. Cyclamen

Cyclamen leaves are heart-shaped, kidney-shaped and oval-shaped, with white or gray halo spots, accompanied by fragrance when blooming, with the moral of welcoming guests, deeply loved by hospitable flower friends, and often placed in tea tables, studies and other places.

Cyclamen likes a gentle environment and is afraid of heat. It is usually maintained indoors or on the south balcony. It will enter a semi-dormant state in summer. It is necessary to reduce watering, keep the basin soil properly dry, and apply light fertilizer once a month.

5. Gentleman's orchid

Gentleman orchid leaves thick, leaf-shaped, dark green luster, is a kind of ornamental leaves and flowers as one of the flowers, has a high ornamental value, and it has this noble and elegant meaning, many flower friends have a special fondness for it.

The gentleman orchid likes the wet environment, the demand for light is not high, should pay special attention to watering, semi-dry can replenish water, try to avoid pouring on the leaves, otherwise the water will accumulate along the leaves to the head of the leaves, long-term rotten leaves, rotting roots and other phenomena.

This is the end of the introduction of five kinds of flowers. Flower friends have other additions. You can share them with you in the comments area below. If you want to know more about flower cultivation, you can pay attention to flowers.