
10 minutes to learn how to cultivate comprehensive knowledge of triangulated plum

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Triangular plum got this name because its flower shape is relatively strange, only three petals, and the shape of these three petals is inverted triangular growth, so it is easy to distinguish from other plum blossoms. At the same time, it is more than the average plum blossom.

Triangular plum got this name because its flower shape is relatively strange, only three petals, and the shape of these three petals is inverted triangular growth, so it is easy to distinguish from other plum blossoms. At the same time, it has more gorgeous and thicker colors than ordinary plum blossoms, and the petals are unique in shape, which can not be imitated by other plum blossoms.

Triangular plum, alias: kudzu, clover, towel, rhododendron, triangular flower, leaf flower, leaf plum, paper flower, South American purple jasmine and so on. Triangular plum likes warm and humid climate, likes light, is not resistant to cold, is resistant to high temperature, and is afraid of drying. It can only survive the winter safely when it is more than 3 ℃ and blossom only when it is over 15 ℃.

Like plenty of light. It grows well in clay loam with good drainage and mineral rich and sandy loam with good drainage. If the soil is too wet, it will cause root rot. For perennial vine flowers and trees, it has been widely used. The plant cultivation of Prunus mume can be cultivated into flower shed, green corridor, hedge, wall decoration, bonsai, etc., with various colors and bright colors, and the flowering period is as long as half a year. According to the difference of flowering time of each variety, combined with flowering control technology, it can enjoy flowers all the year round.

First, breeding skills

1. Soil: Prunus angustifolia is lax on soil, growing well in clay heavy soil with good drainage and rich minerals, barren, alkali-resistant, drought-resistant and avoid stagnant water. The slightly sour soil is most favorable for the growth of Prunus mume.

two。 Watering: pay attention to control the amount of water before flowering. The usual watering of triangular plum should grasp the principle of "no dry, no watering, but thorough watering". However, in order to make the triangular plum blossom neatly and more, the water must be controlled before flowering. In spring and summer triangulated plum growing season, watering once a day to ensure the growth of branches and leaves.

From May to June, it is necessary to control watering, and the degree of water control is to wilt the tender shoots and leaves of Prunus mume, then spray water on the leaves twice a day and water once again after 2-3 days. Repeatedly controlling water for several times or watering every other day can promote the flower bud differentiation of Prunus mume. When the flower buds appear on the new shoots of Prunus mume, water is watered once in the morning and once in the evening, and water is sprayed on the leaf surface twice. After October, the soil was properly watered according to the degree of dryness and wetness of the soil. After entering the house in winter, you must not water too much. To water the triangular plum, you should grasp the principle of "do not dry, do not water, water thoroughly". Wait until next spring, triangular plum sprouts and grow leaves, and then gradually increase the amount of water, otherwise it will lead to rotten roots and death.

3. Temperature: Prunus triangulata is a tropical plant, the optimum temperature for growth is 15-25 ℃, and the optimum temperature for flowering is 15-30 ℃. Triangulated plum likes the climate of high temperature and humidity, and is more resistant to dry heat, cold and frost. In the environment of 10-32 ℃, the growth of triangular plum is normal, and the winter temperature should not be lower than 7 ℃, otherwise it will freeze or even die.

4. Humidity: leaf flowers like warm and humid climate, usually to keep the air humid, when the weather is dry, should spray water into the leaves and the air to increase air humidity.

5. Fertilization: fertilization can not come over, nor too little. In order to make the triangular plum blossom more, we must ensure sufficient nutrients, and fertilize timely, appropriately and rationally. In general, during the peak growth period from April to July, liquid fertilizer is applied every 7 to 10 days to promote plant growth. Fertilizer can use 10% to 20% cooked bean cake, rapeseed cake water or human feces water.

6. Lighting: in addition to the new pots throughout the year, the seedlings should be placed in the semi-shade first. Winter should be placed in front of the south window, and the lighting time should not be less than 8 hours.

7. Propagation: selection of cutting branches: the branches of triangular plum, as thick as arms and as thin as incense, can be used for cutting; coarse branches send roots late and shape quickly; annual lignified green branches are easy to produce new roots, and the survival rate is high. Generally choose 1-2-year-old outer layer sunny branches with compact and sturdy structure, (not too twigs, immature branches, only long branches, shade branches. Cut into 3-4 segments (about 8-10cm) with a sharp knife, the lower oblique cutting surface is 5-10 mm below the node, remove the lower leaves and retain the upper two and a half (full) leaves as cuttings.

8. Pruning: leafy peanuts grow strongly, so they need to be shaped and pruned every year. Leaf flowers are often propagated by cuttings, and it is easy to raise seedlings. In May and June, mature Lignification branches, 20 cm long, are inserted into a sand basin, covered with glass and kept moist. It can take root in about a month and blossom in two years. Pruning method: trim moderately after flowering, cut off the pedicel, retract the branch of flower branch 1 to 3, and remove the weak branch, short branch and bore branch. Combined with changing basin soil pruning in winter, pruning should be mastered: short, heavy and sparse. Short, for short, retain the branch of 1 stick 3 heavy, for heavy pruning; sparse, to remove weak branches, make it re-send strong branches, also known as renewal pruning, cut branches can be selected for seedling cuttings.

9. Pest control: the common pests of Prunus mume are leaf beetles and aphids, and the common diseases are shoot blight. At ordinary times, it is necessary to strengthen loosening soil and weeding, remove dead branches and diseased leaves in time, and pay attention to ventilation so as to reduce the spread of the disease. Strengthen the examination of the disease, find the timely treatment of the disease, can be prevented and treated with dimethoate, topiramate and other solutions.

10. Loosen the soil and change the basin: this should not be lazy. Due to long-term watering, fertilization and Rain Water erosion, the basin soil is easy to harden, so it is necessary to loosen the soil regularly and remove weeds in the basin soil to facilitate the growth of Prunus mume. Otherwise, basin soil hardening and stagnant water will easily lead to root rot or poor growth of Prunus mume. In addition, the growth rate of triangular plum is faster, the root system is developed, and there are many whisker roots, which need to be changed once a year.

II. Nursing methods

1. Points for attention in maintenance

During the growing period of Prunus mume, the temperature of Triangle Plum should be kept above 5 ℃ in winter, and the lowest should not be less than 3 ℃.

It prefers sunlight, but it should be properly shaded in summer and 8 hours of light in winter.

In the choice of soil, it should choose the soil which is more fertile, loose and has strong drainage performance.

Watering should be appropriate, in the plum rain season, to ensure a certain degree of drainage, otherwise there will be the phenomenon of rotten roots.

Before flowering, the pot can be turned properly and the soil can be properly trimmed at the same time.

Due to slow growth or dormancy of plants in hot summer and winter, fertilization should be stopped to avoid fertilizer damage.

Do not apply thick fertilizer or raw fertilizer (not fully mature organic fertilizer) to prevent root damage, leaf coke shedding, or even the death of the whole plant.

It needs to be moved indoors in the cold winter, otherwise it will cause frostbite.

Display: suitable for planting in the courtyard or placed in the living room, balcony and other places where you can bask in the sun.

Loosening soil, weeding and changing pots: due to long-term watering, fertilization and Rain Water erosion, the basin soil is easy to harden, so it is necessary to loosen the soil regularly and remove weeds in the basin soil at the same time to facilitate the growth of leaf flowers. Otherwise, the basin soil is hardened and stagnant, which can easily cause the root system of leaves and flowers to rot or grow badly. In addition, the leaf flower growth rate is faster, the root system is developed, there are many whisker roots, and the pot needs to be changed once a year.

two。 Cutting method of Prunus mume

Cuttings: cut the 2-year-old triangular plum branches into 10 cm long cuttings and insert them into the culture soil (add 1/3 humus or sawdust with plain sandy soil and stir well with proper amount of water). Seal with plastic film after insertion. The temperature is 20 ℃ to 25 ℃, it can take root in 25 days, and it can be divided into pots in 2 to 3 months.

High cutting: if you want to obtain ideal new seedlings of triangular plum, you should use high-altitude cuttings to propagate. This method does not affect the growth of the original plant, and can obtain complete new seedlings, so it is often used by family flower growers, and the method is simple, the survival rate is high, the later transplantation is convenient and easy to manage.

3. Pruning: cut off the extra branches, leaves and buds that affect the growth and flowering of triangulated plums.

Growing period. At the end of the flowering period of triangular plum, moderate to severe pruning was carried out for the main branches to stimulate the plant to sprout more branches with strong growth potential. The purpose of pruning is not to destroy the plant shape, so as to ensure that the crown branches are evenly distributed and do not deviate from the crown.

Florescence. In order to make the potted plum blossom blossom, the flowering induction time should be determined according to the ambient temperature and light intensity, generally low temperature, low light intensity, longer flowering induction, and vice versa. The plant can enter the full flowering stage in 40 ~ 50 days after treatment.

When inducing the flower bud of Prunus mume, we should first carry out a comprehensive pruning treatment, soft coring of the outer branches and cutting off the over-long branches that affect the shape. The whole plant was sprayed with paclobutrazol 15% wettable powder with a concentration of 200 ~ 500 times, and the leaves were generally treated for 2 ~ 3 times, so that the plant had short internodes, compact plant shape, increased flower branches and dense flower formation, and then the plant was treated with water control. to promote the formation of flowering branches. In order to make the triangular plum bloom into beautiful and rich flowers, when the small bud can be seen at the front of the flower branch, carry out the last soft pick to promote the formation of more flowers.

4. Pest control:

Leaf spot. On the leaves, the disease spot is yellowish brown at the beginning, and small black spots appear on the disease spot in the later stage. Prevention and treatment: the disease is more serious from July to August. When a small number of disease spots are found, the branches with more disease will be cut off to increase the air humidity of leaves. Generally, 50% carbendazim wet powder 500 times or 70% methyl topiramate 800 times can be used for prevention and control, sprayed once every 7 days for 2 ~ 3 times in a row.

Tip blight. Damage to the buds, leaves, shoots and branches of the plant can not only cause withering shoots, but also damage the roots and cause rot. in serious cases, the disease spots ring cut the stems, and the branches below the diseased parts wither and die. Control method: thoroughly cut off the diseased and withered branches and burn them in autumn and winter. Strengthen cultivation management and spray 500 times of 25% carbendazim wettable powder or 50% chlorothalonil wettable powder during dormancy. Insect pest

Shell worms. Piercing and sucking the juice of tender stems and young leaves of Triangle Plum leads to poor plant growth, which is mainly induced by high temperature and humidity, poor ventilation and poor light. Control method: spray 1000 times of liquid in the nymph incubation period, or spray 1000 times of fenitrothion.

Aphids. Mainly gather on buds and tender leaves to suck juice. When cultivated in open field, early spring and early summer are the most frequent periods. Control methods: 40% omethoate 1000 times or 80% dichlorvos 1000 times can be sprayed during the initial incubation period and before spawning.

Caterpillar moth. It is mainly the larvae that harm the young leaves. Control methods: in the early stage of larval occurrence (suitable for spraying at the 2nd instar), spraying 80-1000 times of 90% crystal trichlorfon or 2500-3000 times of 2.5% deltamethrin EC had good results.

5. Transplant and change basin

Transplant: transplant the seedlings in the pot, usually in March to April of each year, pruning the plants first to cut off the dense and senescent branches and excess roots. When planting, first soak the root of Prunus mume in the prepared red soil mud, so that the root is fully wrapped in red soil mud, which can increase the combination of the root system and the substrate. Then put the plant root system in the basin where the half-basin substrate was installed first, straighten out the root system, and gradually load the matrix into the basin, adding the matrix while compacting the substrate. Then bind the plant to the pot with a rope to fix the plant. Finally, pour water on the substrate until it is thoroughly watered.

Changing pots: changing pots is to remove roots and change soil for old plants planted in pots for many years. For flowering plants, potted roots grow in limited containers for many years, and the aged roots are wrapped with soil balls, so that the growth and development of new roots is limited, and the matrix hardens and hardens. At this time, in order to restore the vitality of the plant, the pot should be changed once a year after the flower withered. It is best to change the pot before the plant germinates in early spring. When changing the basin, it is best to cooperate with post-flowering pruning, first cut off the dense and senescent branches, then pull the plant out of the container with soil balls, knock off all the old matrix entangled with the old root, cut off the withered and old root and apply heavy cutting to the thicker root, retain the rest of the root system, and then put the plant back on the pot with excellent substrate. The first 1-2 weeks after changing the basin should be placed in a cool place to speed up the recovery of plant growth, and then move to a place with plenty of light.

III. Expansion and extension

1. Why did the triangulated plum fall?

Man-made reasons: in the triangle plum blossom period often move, or heavy wind and rain will cause falling flowers. So in the flowering period, will change the basin fixed, move it to shelter from the wind and rain, sunny place.

Improper watering: triangular plum blossoms should not be watered as far as possible, so the flowering period will be longer. Watering during the flowering period will cause the flowers to fall quickly, so be careful not to water the triangular plum when it blossoms. If the branches and leaves wilt, you can spray properly to increase humidity.

The normal flowering time of triangular plum is from October to November, and the flower bud differentiation is usually completed from August to September. In order to make triangular plum bloom more beautiful flowers, we can promote flower bud differentiation by proper water control, and there can be more phosphate fertilizer during flowering, which helps to prolong the flowering period of triangular plum.

Fertilizing and rooting: excessive fertilization or incorrect selection of fertilizer will lead to root burning, wilting of the whole plant, yellowing of leaves and falling flowers.

Lack of light: triangular plum likes the sun, to ensure that more than 9 hours of light every day to ensure its luxuriant branches and flowers. If the light does not meet the requirements during flowering, it will cause the abnormal growth of triangular plum and lead to flower drop.

two。 What if the triangular plum loses its leaves?

Supplementary lighting: triangulated plum is a sunny plant, if it is kept in a shady environment for a long time, it is bound to have fallen leaves. At this time, it is necessary to move the plant to the sun in time, and the triangular plum will gradually recover after a period of time.

Control watering: insufficient water supply in hot season or excessive watering in winter can easily cause defoliation. Therefore, the triangular plum is watered properly, once every morning and evening in summer, and the watering frequency is reduced appropriately in winter, once every 3-5 days, the phenomenon of falling leaves caused by improper watering can be avoided.

Temperature control and fertilization: the suitable temperature for the growth of Prunus mume is 20-30 ℃. Too low or changeable temperature will cause leaf shedding. In particular, if you enter the house late in winter, the leaves will fall to the ground. Select mature organic fertilizer when fertilizing, adhere to the principle of thin fertilizer application frequently, and avoid burning roots and falling leaves.

Pruning dead leaves: when trimmed plum leaves off, the plant will appear different degrees of yellow leaves, at this time to cut off the yellow leaves, but to keep the branches. Cut off the dead branches after they germinate again. If it is normal to lose leaves in slow seedling stage or winter, just put them in a cool place and clean up the withered leaves in time. It will be fine after a period of time!

3. How to raise triangular plum to blossom easily

Proper drought: proper drying can make it grow more flowers, of course, not too dry, which will harden the soil and make the plant breathless.

Regular fertilization: Triangle plum is of course fond of fertilizer, thin fertilizer is the key, fertilization too frequently will lead to plant branches and leaves grow too luxuriantly. Proper drying can make it grow more flowers, but not too dry, which will harden the soil and make the plants breathless (breathless). In addition, pay attention to do not apply fertilizer indiscriminately, if you apply thick fertilizer, it is very easy to kill triangulated plum, do not only use high-phosphorus fertilizer, the best is organic fertilizer or slow-release fertilizer, their effect is the best.

Proper pruning: trim pruning is both post-flowering pruning and winter pruning. The purpose of post-flowering pruning is to adjust the plant type and promote the next batch of flowers to open earlier, so the residual flowers should be cut as early as possible, and the whole plant should be pruned so that they can bloom at the same time next time. The triangular plum cultivated on the balcony will generally cut off all the new branches from the old branches of the previous year.

4. How to keep the triangular plum blossom blooming

Water control long flower: Triangle Meter likes strong light and high temperature, is not afraid of exposure, does not require much moisture, and the basin soil needs to be kept moist. Be sure to control the water for one month in autumn and winter and keep it half-dry and half-wet, even if the green leaves fall. On the contrary, water control is beneficial to long flowers, which is why domestic triangular plums do not blossom frequently and lazy flowers continue to blossom.

Root pruning and rejuvenation need to control water: triangulated plum is strong, sprouting and resistant to pruning. Regular pruning and shaping can make its branches blossom and multiply. It should be reminded that it has the peculiar habit of spitting buds and growing branches to take root first. When the old potted plant turns the pot to trim the root, do not immediately water it, but water it once after two days. After moderately moisturizing, wait for the new bud stem to grow basically, and then gradually change to normal watering, and put it in a sunny place with a temperature of about 25 degrees Celsius.

Overwintering to heat preservation and water control: Triangle plum likes to be warm, not cold-resistant, avoid waterlogging, we must pay attention to winter heat preservation and water control. Keep the temperature above 7 degrees Celsius in winter, or you will freeze to death. Once the temperature drops suddenly, the plant will lose a lot of leaves, so don't water too much at this time. It should be placed in an environment of 10 to 15 degrees Celsius and watered every 10 days or so, waiting for spring to sprout and grow leaves, and then gradually increase the amount of water. Otherwise, it will lead to rotten root death.

Scaffolding and guidance: triangular plums will not grow in the direction you want, so you must have a good gardener to guide them. This support should be carried out along the growth of triangular plums over a long period of time. In addition, pay attention to the combination of pruning and pruning!

5. How to regulate florescence: mainly by controlling water and promoting flowers to regulate florescence. Select individuals with plump crown and moderate growth, apply growth fertilizer once half a month in advance, and then begin to control water. Generally 2-3 days later, the leaves will wilt and droop due to lack of water. At this time, water will be drenched to protect the leaves and keep the surface of the basin soil moist. After 2-4 weeks, the soil can be loosened, watered, fertilized, and kept moist, supplemented by proper pruning, which can be transferred to normal management. When the branch leaf axil has the side branch to pull out, if sees the new branch leaf axil to attach the thorn, the top has the young bract, namely succeeds. Of course, to let the plum blossom all the year round, but also to adjust the light and temperature, and apply enough fertilizer.

In addition, triangular plum is a short-day plant, if you want to bloom on National Day, you can shade the plant from the beginning of August, that is, 40-50 days in advance, and put the plant in the dark room. Shading must be strict, but light leakage will not achieve the effect. Shading lasts for 45 consecutive days from 5pm to 8am. When the room temperature is high, water should be sprayed to the ground to cool down. During the shading period, 0.2%-0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate foliar fertilizer was applied once a week.

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