
It's a super nutrient solution for flower cultivation. It blooms very vigorously and can kill insects and cure yellow leaves.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Do you like flowers, do you know how to grow them? Flower friends who like to raise flowers like to prepare a bottle of nutrient solution for flower cultivation at home. Generally, they supplement nutrients for hydroponic flowers, but today they want to share a nutrient solution that is especially good for flower cultivation.

Do you like growing flowers? can you grow flowers? Flower lovers who like to grow flowers like to prepare a bottle of nutrient solution for growing flowers at home, generally replenishing hydroponic flowers, but today I would like to share with you a kind of nutrient solution that is particularly good for growing flowers. Vinegar is more effective than the one you buy. A bottle of vinegar in hand, including the treatment of flowers and flowers of the "all diseases", insecticidal, rooting, promoting flowering, yellow leaves can be done. When some foliage flowers appear yellow leaf phenomenon, quickly wipe with vinegar, quickly yellow to green, usage: vinegar and water diluted according to the proportion of 1Ru 300, wipe plant leaves or spray plant leaves, once every 5 days, use 3 times in a row, you can see yellow leaves slowly turn green.

Promote flower bloom, more flowers, suitable for some acidic flowers, such as camellias, rhododendrons, gardenia and so on, maintenance with vinegar, not only not yellow leaves, but also can make it bloom more and bigger. Usage: vinegar and water are diluted according to 1Rule 1000, then directly irrigate the root, once a month, it can keep the soil slightly acidic, make the acidic flower leaves oil green and blossom big. Can prevent and treat plant powdery mildew, black spot disease these two diseases are relatively stubborn, usually raise flowers, spray vinegar, can pray for a good prevention and treatment effect. Usage: vinegar and water are diluted according to the ratio of 1: 150 and then sprayed on the leaves of the plant. Once a week, the black spots of white powder can be seen to disappear after 3 times of continuous use.

Vinegar is used to treat aphids and red spiders. After diluting vinegar and water according to 100%, you can wipe off aphids and red spiders once a week and use it more than 3 times in a row. In addition, it can also be used as a rooting agent for flowers after being diluted with vinegar to water at a ratio of 100. If the branches to be cut are soaked in vinegar solution, the rooting will be faster and more. Isn't it practical? I have to say, it must be salt-free vinegar, preferably in the evening. Do you remember?