
Eternal love, affection, friendship, everlasting memory-- Don't forget me.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Do not forget me, is the Arnebia family do not forget my plant. Forget-me-not is a perennial herb with a height of 30-60cm. Verticillate Cymes, 10-15 cm long; forget-me-not has light blue florets, flowering from April to May. Adaptable and like to work.

Do not forget me, is the Arnebia family do not forget my plant. Forget-me-not is a perennial herb with a height of 30-60cm. Verticillate Cymes, 10-15 cm long; forget-me-not has light blue florets, flowering from April to May. Strong adaptability, like dry, cool climate, avoid hot and humid, like light, drought tolerance, suitable temperature for growth is 20 ℃-25 ℃.

Don't forget me.

Distributed in Europe, Iran, Russia, Pakistan, Kashmir, India and Chinese mainland in Jiangsu, Northwest, North China, Sichuan, Yunnan, Northeast and other places. Grows in areas ranging from 200m to 4200 m above sea level. Most of them are born on mountain forest margins, mountain slopes, forests and valleys and grasslands. It has not been introduced and cultivated artificially. The common "forget-me-not" that is made into dried flowers on the market is actually a kind of plant of the genus Pleurophyllum, which is called Buxue herb. Please pay attention to it.

Don't forget me.

Medicinal efficacy:

Sweet and cold, enter the liver, spleen and kidney meridians, have the function of clearing heat and detoxification, clearing the heart and eyesight, nourishing yin and tonifying the kidney, suitable for lung wind acne, boils and boils, rough skin, blurred vision, constipation, short yellow urine and so on. It has the effects of nourishing yin and kidney, nourishing beauty, tonifying blood, promoting metabolism, delaying cell aging, improving immune ability, anti-virus, anti-cancer and anti-cancer. It is also used to treat freckles and acne, low immunity, virus infection, cardio-cerebrovascular insufficiency and other diseases. In addition, there are whitening skin, clearing the liver and eyesight, nourishing yin and tonifying the kidney, and can promote body metabolism, delay cell aging, and improve immunity. Contains vitamin C, eliminates fat and avoids wrinkles and dark spots.

Don't forget me.

Background story:

Legend has it that in ancient Germany, a knight and his lover were walking on the banks of the Danube. By the water, his lover found a small and beautiful blue flower, so he asked the handsome knight to pick a small bouquet for her. The brave knight accidentally fell into the water while picking flowers. The heavy armor made him unable to swim and even unable to breathe. When he floated to death, the knight ignored his own safety. He threw the flowers to his lover and shouted, "Don't forget me!" The flower gets its name from this.

Since then, the knight's lovers wear small blue flowers in their hair day and night to show their unswerving and unswerving love for each other until death. The blue flower is therefore called "forget-me-not", and its words are "Don't forget me", "True Love" and "True Love".