
Raise it in the pot at home, absorb wool more fiercely, formaldehyde all run away!

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Recently, Huahua really doesn't like to go out. As soon as I go out, the tidbits all over the sky are coming at you, making my nose itch so hard that tears are about to flow out! The air outside is so bad, you'd better stay indoors, but the air in the room is relatively dry. What are we going to do? Hurry up to grow potted flowers!

Tortoise back bamboo, absorb floating dust particles!

Tortoise back bamboo leaves are broad, for the air dust and a variety of floating particles, can play a role in adsorption, and its ability to purify formaldehyde has been fully increased by 6 times, is really the first choice in the living room!

Key points of maintenance:

1, tortoise back bamboo is very shady, even if the light at home is not good, just put it in the bright light of the living room.

2. vigorous growth in spring and summer, watering more, about once every 3-5 days, spraying more water on the leaves, which can not only make the leaves of the tortoise back bamboo more oily, but also increase the air humidity and make the indoor air cleaner!

Rubber tree, absorbs dust greatly!

The leaves of rubber trees are thick and can absorb dust and fluff floating in the air to the leaves, thus making the indoor air cleaner, and it can also absorb harmful substances such as formaldehyde and benzene.

Key points of maintenance:

1. The rubber tree can bear shade, as long as it is placed in a bright place indoors. If you want to grow up, you can change the basin in spring.

2. Spray water into the leaves and surrounding air regularly to increase the indoor air humidity; at the same time, wipe the leaves with a moist cotton cloth to clean up the dust of the leaves, so that the rubber tree has a stronger ability to absorb dust!

Tiger Pilan, releasing oxygen is more efficient!

Tiger Pilan's stomata are closed during the day and opened at night to absorb carbon dioxide in the air, so as to increase indoor oxygen content and improve sleep quality, which is more conducive to health.

Key points of maintenance:

1, spring can be placed on the bedroom balcony maintenance, hot weather at noon to pay attention to shade.

2. You can split the tiger orchid in spring and bury 2-3 grains of compound fertilizer or rotten soybeans in the basin after the split, so that the tiger skin orchid can burst again soon!

The Silver Queen, the more serious the pollution, the more absorbed!

The silver queen has a strong purification ability, if the higher the indoor pollutants, the stronger its ability to absorb and purify, and can absorb harmful substances such as nicotine and formaldehyde, so even if the indoor ventilation is not good, it can also raise the silver queen.

Key points of maintenance:

1. The Silver Queen likes to be wet and is not resistant to drought, so she can spray more water on the leaves, which can not only make the Silver Queen grow more prosperous, but also improve indoor air humidity and avoid air dryness.

2. The Silver Queen is poisonous. After the stem is broken, the liquid secreted is particularly hot, even hotter than chili, so don't let the children at home come into contact with it, or even enter it.

Ivy, absorb secondhand smoke nicotine!

Ivy leaves have many stomata, which can directly convert nicotine, benzene and other harmful substances in the air into nutrients necessary for growth, and can also inhibit carcinogens in secondhand smoke. There are smokers at home. Be sure to have a pot!

Key points of maintenance:

1. Put the ivy in a well-lit place in the living room, preferably in a high place, so as to make the vines hang down and look more beautiful.

2. Ivy likes high humidity environment, usually spray water on leaves and surrounding air, spray 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution about once every two weeks, which can make ivy leaves more green and bright!

White palm, restrain exhaust gas!

The exhaust gas breathed out of the human body, such as ammonia and acetone, can be absorbed through white palm, and harmful substances such as formaldehyde and benzene in the air can also be absorbed. The leaves of white palm are broad and evaporate fast. it can also prevent nasal mucosa from drying and make the body healthier.

Key points of maintenance:

1. For soil-cultivated white palms, it is enough to water once every 5-7 days, but be careful not to accumulate water in the basin; for hydroponic white palms, change water once every 5 days to ensure clean water quality.

2. If you want to have a stronger purification ability, you must spray water regularly towards the leaves to ensure that the leaves are clean, and you can also spray some beer towards the leaves. The effect is also great!

That's all for Huahua today!

Flower friends, remember to plant potted flowers at home.

Don't be allergic to fluff!