
What's the matter with the yellowing leaves of Zhu Dinghong?

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Large amount of water: large or too frequent watering will lead to leaf yellowing, usually appropriate watering; improper fertilization: excessive fertilization or application of unfermented mature fertilizer will lead to leaf yellowing, reasonable fertilization; excessive light: light can not be too strong, strong sunlight can be appropriate shade; disease and insect harm: after being harmed by diseases and insect pests, it will lead to leaf yellowing.

1. Large amount of water:

Reason: although Zhu Dinghong likes to be moist, she cannot accumulate too much water. Large or frequent watering will lead to yellowing of leaves.

Solution: do not often water it, and do not water too much at one time, as long as the soil is slightly moist, if the rainy season is too much, we should take timely drainage measures to avoid stagnant water.

2. Improper fertilization:

Reason: if you give it too much fertilizer or unfermented rotten fertilizer, it is likely to cause fertilizer damage, and the leaves will turn yellow.

Solution: do not give it too much fertilizer, do not apply immature or pure phosphorus fertilizer, usually should be reasonable fertilization.

3. Excessive exposure to light:

Reason: Zhu Dinghong loves the sun, but the light can not be too strong. If she is exposed to the sun for a long time, the leaves will turn yellow.

Solution: take appropriate shading measures when the sun is strong, or move it directly to a position where the sun is weak.

4. Diseases and insect pests:

Reason: Zhu Dinghong will cause the leaves to turn yellow after being harmed by diseases and insect pests, mainly red spiders or leaf spot disease.

Solution: first of all, the leaves that have been yellowed should be removed and sprayed with medicament. if the red spider can be caught artificially, it can be sprayed in serious cases.