
What if the leaves of Tiger Pilan turn yellow?

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, There are many reasons for the yellowing of tiger Pilan leaves: if it is caused by strong light, shading measures should be taken; if watering is caused by incorrect watering, it should be corrected in time, and water should be poured into the soil; if the amount of fertilizer is unreasonable, apply appropriate amount of fertilizer once a month; if irrational watering is caused, then control the amount of watering.

1. Reduce exposure to light:

Reason: if you are exposed to direct sunlight for a long time in summer, it will cause the leaves to turn yellow, and the leaves may become dry and inactive.

Solution: shading measures should be taken when the summer sun is strong, do not let it be exposed to the sun for a long time, and spray some water appropriately when the weather is dry.

2. Correct the watering method:

Reason: many people water the leaves in the wrong way, watering them down from the position of the leaves, which can cause the leaves to become yellow or spotted.

Solution: master the correct watering method, do not start watering from the leaves, it is best to water to the soil position.

3. Appropriate amount of fertilization:

Reason: some people can not grasp the amount of fertilizer, often too much fertilizer or less fertilizer, which will cause its leaves to turn yellow for a long time.

Solution: usually appropriate amount of fertilization, not too much or too little, usually only once a month, if in the growing period can be increased appropriately.

4. Proper watering:

Reason: more watering will lead to stagnant water, less watering will lead to lack of nutrients, excessive or insufficient watering will lead to leaf yellow.

Solution: as long as to ensure that the soil is moist, do not need excessive watering, you can observe the basin soil slightly dry and then watering, in winter to reduce the amount of water, in order to avoid frostbite.