
What if the lily leaves turn yellow?

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Measures should be taken according to the reasons for the yellowing of lily leaves: if there is too much water, it will reduce the amount of water, and if there is less water, it will appropriately increase the number of times of water application; if it is too much or too little fertilizer, it is necessary to apply fertilizer correctly and apply thin fertilizer frequently. If it is iron deficiency, it can be irrigated with ferrous sulfate solution; if there are diseases and insect pests, it should be eliminated in time; if the soil hardens, it should be loosened in time.

I. rational watering

Excessive watering, including one-time watering too much or too frequent watering, will lead to the phenomenon of water yellowing in this plant. At this time, we should reduce the frequency and amount of watering, and must not allow stagnant water in the basin soil. Too little watering will make this plant dry and yellow. at this time, we should appropriately increase the watering frequency and wait for the leaves to recover before normal watering.

Second, correct fertilization

Similar to watering, too much fertilizer or too little fertilizer can lead to yellow leaves. If there is too much fertilizer, you can dilute the concentration of fertilizer by proper watering, or directly change the soil for the flowers. If it is less fertilizer, you can apply appropriate amount of fertilizer, but do not apply too much fertilizer at one time, and the concentration of fertilizer should not be too high.

III. Supplement of iron

The lack of certain elements can also cause its leaves to turn yellow, such as iron, which is particularly harmful to young leaves and can even lead to the death of the whole plant. If this happens, we can spray it according to the ratio of ferrous sulfate: cake fertilizer: water = 5 / 7 / 200.

IV. Eliminate diseases and insect pests

In addition to the above reasons, diseases or insect pests may cause the leaves of this plant to turn yellow. As soon as diseases or pests are found, we should take immediate measures. If there is a disease, we can spray the corresponding antibiotics in time. If there is a pest, it is necessary to spray the corresponding agent in time.

5. Loose soil

If the soil is hardened and too hard, the root of the plant will not be able to absorb the nutrients in the soil and is not conducive to the breathing of the root. At this time, we should loosen the soil or change the basin soil directly.