
Maintenance manual of rhododendron bonsai

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, If you want to master the cultivation methods of rhododendron, you can start from the following aspects: first, environmental conditions: the cultivation of rhododendron had better have indoor and outdoor environment. The indoor environment is used in winter. In the Yangtze River basin, as long as there is a certain amount of indoor.

To master the cultivation methods of rhododendrons, you can start from the following aspects:

1. Environmental conditions: It is best to cultivate azaleas in two environments: indoor and outdoor. Indoor environment is used in winter. In the Yangtze River Basin, as long as there are certain lighting and ventilation conditions indoors, it is generally unnecessary to heat up. The winter in the north is extremely cold and dry, so it is appropriate to cultivate it in a moderate temperature (about 15 ℃) greenhouse. Outdoor site, summer and autumn use, mud is good, avoid cement. The site should be spacious, ventilated and shady, and shade should be built above, covered with reed curtains or protected by natural shade. The light transmittance should be about 30%, and it should not be exposed to sunlight at night.

Second, the pot soil requirements: azaleas like loose, strong permeability, good drainage, rich in humus acid soil, PH value of 5.0- 6.0. If clay or alkaline soil is used, it will be difficult to live. Especially Xia Juan and Yang Juan, only mountain soil can not. The mountain soil needs to be reformed. At present, three kinds of cultivated soil are usually used. (1)7 parts of mountain soil, 1 part of dry moss and grass cuttings, 2 parts of dry moldy leaf soil and 1 part of dry fertilizer are mixed and prepared. (2)3 parts of mountain bark soil (topsoil), 3 parts of horse manure, 3 parts of deciduous weeds and 1 part of human excrement are stacked in layers and sieved for later use after 1-2 years. (3)3 parts of mountain soil, 3 parts of decayed leaf soil, 4 parts of garden soil and 2 parts of sandy soil are mixed and prepared, and 50g of sesame paste residue and bone powder are added into each pot.

Third, flowerpot selection: The flowerpot for cultivating azaleas can be used according to the purpose, generally using two kinds of clay pots and purple sand pots. Devilpot ventilation water permeability is good, conducive to root growth, production units are used to cultivate this pot. Shaped azaleas, especially shaped azaleas, for indoor and outdoor furnishings, generally planted in beautiful quaint purple sand pots, purple sand pots delicate texture, rich color, beautiful shape, can increase the ornamental value. The permeability of purple clay pots is not as good as that of mud pots. When planting, the walls of the pots should be padded with broken tiles (old tiles) so as to facilitate drainage. The size of the selected pots depends on the age of the plants. Generally, 4-6-year-old plants use 5-inch pots;7-10-year-old plants use 6-inch pots;11-15-year-old reproductive plants use 8-inch pots.

Fourth, improve water quality: it is best to use rainwater for watering azaleas, followed by river water and pond water. If tap water is used, it is advisable to store the water for 1- 2 days and let the chlorine volatilize before use. When used, add 0.2% ferrous sulfate, irrigate every 7-10 days during the growing season, and use it frequently to ensure that the soil is acidic.

5. Fertilizer and water management: rhododendrons are wet and should not be too dry. More water is needed especially during flowering. Winter azaleas have entered the dormancy period, water demand is not much, generally every 4- 5 days watering 1 time, should be carried out around noon in sunny warm days. Specific visual pot soil drying appropriate watering. In March, azaleas sprout and their water requirements increase. Summer cuckoo grows a little later, watering quantity should be less than spring cuckoo. Generally every 2 days in the morning watering 1 time. 4-6 Month azaleas bloom one after another, branches and leaves also began to pull hair, water demand is larger, generally should be watered once every morning or evening. 7-9 In the dry season of high temperature in the first ten days of the month, water once in the morning and evening, the amount of water should not be too much, and spray water on the leaves and ground at noon to maintain a humid environment. From the middle of September to November, the weather gradually turns cool, which is the adaptation period of azalea growth. In order to prevent autumn shoots from being pulled out and enhance winter cold resistance, the watering amount should be reduced appropriately. Generally every other day in the morning watering 1 time, keep moist can. Azalea is more like fertilizer, generally decomposed cake fertilizer, fish meal, broad bean or milk vetch, etc. after decay watered with water, avoid using human excrement. From the time of emergence to the time of flower bud emergence, thin fertilizer was applied once every 10 days, the concentration was 15%, and the fertilizer was applied 2-3 times in total to promote the old leaves to turn green and sprout new roots. After flowering, in order to promote the growth of branches and leaves, fertilizer is applied 5- 6 times from mid-May to early July. If it rains continuously, dry fertilizer can be applied. Before entering the house, the growth of azaleas is about to stop, fertilization should be 1-2 times.

Sixth, outdoor shade: in front of the house to open before the sun should see more; flowering period, at noon to a short time shade, transmittance 60% ; in June to early July during the plum rain, it is azalea leaf period, should see as much sunlight as possible. However, in case of strong sunlight, shade should be provided from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. to prevent burning new leaves. From mid-July to early September, shade from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. every day to prevent the sun from shining. After September, the autumn growth period can shorten the shade time, generally from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. shade, after October should see more sunshine. After plastic, cut off excessive long branches, weak branches, abnormal branches, damaged branches.

7. Temperature of illumination: azalea leaves sprouting stage. Should see sunlight as much as possible, but in case of strong sunlight, 9 am to 4 pm should also shade, to prevent burns new leaves. Shading should be done from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. every day in summer. Shading time can be shortened after September. Sunshine should be seen more after October. Rhododendron grows most vigorously at about 20℃, stops growing above 30℃, and is in a dormant state. Long-term below 0℃ will freeze to death. Winter must take heat preservation measures, temperature above 15℃ is the best.

Eight, plastic pruning: azaleas grow slowly, generally let their natural growth, only after the flower for plastic, cut off long branches, weak branches, abnormal branches, damaged branches.

IX. Disease prevention and pest control: Military insects (also known as crown bugs) are sprayed with 40% dimethoate 1500 times solution during the damage period, once every 7 days, for 3 consecutive times. The control method of terminal bud leaf roller mainly depends on artificial capture and killing, larvae or pupae can also be sprayed with 40% dimethoate EC 2000 times or dichlorvos 1500 times.

Azalea cultivation methods and precautions:

Azalea is a neutral flower, like warm, semi-shady, cool, ventilated, humid environment. Requirements loose, fertile, rich in humus acidic (loess) soil, pH between 5.5 and 6.5, avoid alkaline or cohesive soil. Suitable growth temperature is 12℃ to 25℃, summer to shade sun protection, winter to freeze warm, best moved indoors, especially western azaleas and other delicate azaleas, more attention should be paid to conservation.

1. Azalea roots as fine as hair, thick taproot few, it is afraid of dry and wet, especially afraid of heavy fat. If watered too much, the roots will be soaked in water, too dry, branches and leaves shrink, leaves fall off, a great threat to the plant, as for watered heavy fertilizer, it will endanger life.

2. After the flowers die, the residual flowers must be cut off to avoid fruiting and consuming nutrients. After the new branches sprout, the branches should be thinned appropriately, and the plants should be kept according to their growth.

3. Azalea is most suitable for planting in mud pots, because the mud pots absorb water and ventilate, which is conducive to root growth and development, and the branches and leaves are lush.

4. Potted rhododendrons should be placed in a particular place, generally placed on the southeast balcony, and ventilated, as little as possible to move. Without ventilation, it is easy to suffer from black spot disease and a large number of leaves.

5. Azaleas should also be moderate to light requirements, avoid direct light in summer. Fertilization should master thin fertilizer frequently, can be light Mo thick, monthly organic compound fertilizer on the pot soil. Potassium dihydrogen phosphate is sprayed once every 10 days as an extra-root fertilizer. Timely watering, but also in the water into vinegar to increase acidity.

6. Timely thinning bud thinning leaves, grow too much too dense buds and leaves to remove a part of the air circulation, nutrients concentrated to the buds. After the bud forms, must strengthen the nutrition, the right amount applies the spot phosphorus potassium fertilizer, otherwise the bud will transform into the leaf bud.

7. The main reasons for azaleas falling leaves and not flowering are: too strong direct light in summer, frostbite, too much watering, too much fertilization, too long indoor time, no air circulation or dark and humid places, acid rain, etc., so these conditions should be avoided during maintenance.

8. Turning pots and changing soil does not need to be carried out every year, usually once every 2 to 3 years, with as little damage to roots as possible. The time should be after flowering or autumn, and topzin should be sprayed at the same time to prevent diseases.

9. Azalea pests are mainly red spiders, aphids, etc., available fenvalerate spray kill, the effect is better, such as three days after death, spray again. Black spot disease is mainly caused by sultry environment and lack of light. Measures can be taken to promote air circulation on the one hand and spray bordeaux mixture and carbendazim on the other hand.

10. Rhododendron propagation method is mainly cuttage. Select new branches before and after mango seeds, 5 cm to 10 cm long, cut them off at the bifurcation point, strip off the lower leaves, leave 3 to 4 top leaves, insert 1/3 of the branches into the soil, spray enough water and cover with plastic film. Management should be strengthened at ordinary times and transplanted one year later.

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