
The peculiar wild fruits in the north are fresh and unpicked and dried, and everyone grabs 40 jin to make a fortune.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Warm Tip Wo Mu report is intended to share and popularize all kinds of plant information and functions, for reference only, if you need medicine, it is recommended to consult a professional physician to avoid problems! When it comes to wild fruit and fruit, there is one thing in common in the eyes of the public, that is.


Wo Mu report is intended to share and popularize all kinds of plant information and functions, for reference only, if you need medicine, it is recommended to consult a professional physician to avoid problems!

When it comes to wild fruits and fruits, there is one thing in common in the eyes of the public, that is, most of them will fall when they are ripe, or rot on the trees. Cherries, loquats, durians and bananas don't stay on the tree for long when they are ripe. In the north of our country, there is a kind of peculiar wild fruit, which not only does not fall when it is ripe, but also dries slowly on the tree. after being air-dried, it tastes very sweet and has become a wild fruit that everyone robs. This kind of wild fruit is a specialty of Xinjiang, the price is relatively expensive, it is difficult to buy authentic, have you ever eaten it?

This peculiar wild fruit is "dried apricot on the tree", commonly known as "hanging dried apricot", which is also a strange name. However, it is a rare wild sweet apricot, mainly distributed in the Yili River Valley, which is known as "Saiwai Jiangnan". It grows on the melting snow of Tianshan Mountain and Rain Water, and grows in a beautiful and pollution-free environment. The reason why the dried apricot on the tree does not fall after maturity is mainly due to the unique climatic conditions in Xinjiang. This kind of apricot ripening season is in summer, with long sunshine, hot climate and large transpiration. Fresh apricots gradually lose water on the trees and then air-dry.

Dried apricots on trees are very sweet and contain as much as 27% sugar. Because the local temperature difference between day and night can be more than 20 degrees, there is a folk saying in Xinjiang that "wear cotton-padded jacket and gauze in the afternoon". After exposure to the sun during the day, the temperature drops sharply at night, resulting in a high accumulation of sugar, so the taste is extremely sweet. These dried apricots are all with kernels, and the kernels inside are so thin that they break with a single bite, and then you can eat almonds. This kind of almond belongs to sweet almond, non-toxic and can be eaten directly. Eat two apricots, no waste, and have a sense of satisfaction.

However, the yield of dried apricots on trees is not high, although there are large tracts of wild apricot trees in the Yili River Valley, but compared with the whole market, the output is not high, so the price is expensive. Fruit growers in Xinjiang pick the dried apricots from the trees and sell them as a specialty to other places. The price is about 40 yuan per jin, which is the "rich fruit" for local farmers to increase their income. But what you need to pay attention to on foodie is that there are many "fakes" on the market, so pay attention to distinguish them when buying them. The dried apricot on the tree is very dry, without sugar, and has a rich fragrance. It tastes like saccharified, but it tastes sweet but not greasy.

The fresh fruit of dried apricot on the tree is generally unpicked, because the fresh fruit is very small and has a sour taste, which is not as good as that of dried apricot. Farmers will not pick it until it is air-dried. Readers, have you ever eaten this strange wild fruit?

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