
Are your flowers dead? Don't throw, one move to save life and rub it long!

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Every time I see beautiful flowers, I really want to raise one, but when I think of buying a dead pot at home, I suddenly lose my confidence. In fact, it is not difficult to grow flowers, and the flowers are not so easy to die. Sometimes they look like they are dead, but they are still alive! Don't lose it. Huahua, there are so many ways to bring the dead back to life.


Ou Yue, Mini Rose and Little Rose are really necessary for every family this year, and there are many problems to raise. Every day, flower friends come to ask for help: is my rose dead?

Although the rose is sensitive, its vitality is still very strong. Ordinary yellow leaves and fallen leaves can be solved. As long as the branch section is still alive (with green), nothing else matters.

1. Pruning method

It doesn't matter if the leaves are all yellow, cut off all the dry branches and leaves, and cut the flower branches all the way to the living green branches.

After pruning, put it in a ventilated place, keep the light for more than 4 hours a day, water once every 2-3 days, and new leaves can grow in 1-2 weeks.

2. the method of changing soil and basin

The flower soil is already hardened and airtight, and the flowerpot is too large, which may cause yellow leaves and fallen leaves of the rose. At this time, it is necessary to change the soil and change the pot.

Replace it with a good breathable rotten leaf soil mixed with garden soil, and put the flowers in the pot with a fist distance from the edge of the pot. After replanting, pour water thoroughly and put it in a place with astigmatism and ventilation to slow down the seedlings for 2-5 days.

3. Wax dripping method

If the rose is bitten to death by the worm, you must choose this method, because the bug is very small and it will be over if you accidentally climb into the flower pole!

Cut off the worm-eaten parts and drop wax on the cut. White wax or red wax will do.

If there is no wax at home, you can seal it with transparent nail polish, which can also prevent insects.

4. Cutting method

Rose is easy to cut, usually from April to May, and September to October is the prime time for rose cutting, so it's not too late for cutting now.

Vermiculite is mixed with sandy soil and garden soil, so it has good air permeability and moisture retention. Take 10-16 cm long flower branches (at least 2 bud points), insert them in the soil, pour water thoroughly, and put them in a cool and ventilated place.

In the process of cutting, you can pour some rooting powder water (rooting powder and water 1 2000) to speed up rooting.

Gardenia jasminoides

Although the traditional flowering period of Gardenia jasminoides has passed, many flower friends have bought gardenia with disordered flowering period on the market, and there are still all kinds of problems, so! Huahua feels that it is urgent to save Gardenia.

1. Pruning method

For gardenias bought in pots in the market, the boss will usually add fertilizer to the basin soil, the fertility will be slowly consumed, and the old leaves will begin to wither and yellow. at this time, cut off the yellow leaves and weak branches to preserve nutrition.

2. Watering method

Gardenia likes acidic soil and is prone to iron deficiency. Some flower friends have alkaline soil and water, so it is wrong to keep leaves.

At this time, just add a spoon of vinegar when watering, about the ratio of vinegar to water is 1-200, water vinegar 1-2 times a month on the line, do not water too much easy to corrode flowers!

Iron deficiency is also easy. In addition to buying ferrous sulfate and watering flowers, if you have a big iron pot at home, you can water gardenia with a few brushes and a little iron.

3. Root trimming method

If the gardenia wilted and lost all its leaves in a few days, it would probably be a bad root. Dig it up and have a look.

Carefully clean up the rotten roots and rinse them with water. You can also soak in carbendazim solution for 10-20 minutes to sterilize, dry and replant.

4. Rooting method

Many flower friends have rotten gardenia roots, can not be saved, do not lose heart, flowers have a way, as long as your gardenia and branches are green on the line!

Cut off the living flower branches, about 8-15 cm, insert them directly into the water, and start to take root in about 7-10 days.

Note that when inserting water, the bottom of the gardenia does not touch the bottle, which will hinder rooting, and you can first insert foam into the gardenia as a "life jacket", so it floats.


Many flower friends can't move their feet as soon as they see hydrangeas. They wilt after a few days of buying them back, or they look like they are going to die as soon as the flowers fail.

In fact, hydrangea is only relatively "quiet", especially afraid of trouble, so the following methods are "lazy" method.

1. Leaf cutting method

Hydrangea transpiration is fast, especially just bought back, as soon as you leave the high-temperature and high-humidity greenhouse, come to the relatively dry family environment, immediately wilt!

Hydrangea wilting is terrible. Don't throw it away. Cut off the leaves and branches (about 20cm). Pour water thoroughly and put it in a cool and ventilated place.

Be careful not to be directly exposed to the sun. Astigmatism is the best. Turn the pot in two or three days to let the flowers receive light evenly.

2. Bagging method

The temperature fluctuates at the turn of the season, and hydrangea likes to be warm and humid, so it is easy to wilt, a plastic bag on the head, heat preservation and moisturizing!

3. Pest prevention and treatment

Hydrangea leaves are big, some fatal diseases will be shown on the leaves, flower friends should observe in time, once found quickly spray!

Irrigating embroidery ball with ferrous sulfate and water (1purl 1000) can treat yellow leaves. Be careful not to water them every day, but only 1-2 times after the appearance of yellow leaves.

Household alcohol mixed with water (1RU 500) and garlic water (2 cloves of garlic mixed with 1 bowl of water) can wipe sick hydrangea leaves, sterilize and clean to prevent all kinds of fungal diseases.

4. Cutting method

If Hydrangea looks powerless, you can take branches and cuttings, at least 6 cm.

Cut off half of the leaves to save nutrition, insert them in the sand and put them in a cool place to avoid direct sunlight.

The next step is to moisturize, spray water every day to keep the sand slightly wet, do not be curious to pull it out to see, now this temperature, about 20 days to take root!

Succulent plant

As soon as the weather is hot, all kinds of succulent problems pop up. I wonder if the flower friends have a way to cope.

1. Basking in the sun

Many flower friends are afraid of sunburn, so they put all the succulent flesh indoors, and then the succulent plants don't grow well. One by one, the "zombie color" and the promised freshness are all deceptive.

In fact, it is not hot, succulent has not yet entered the dormant period, you can also bask in the sun, "ruddy and shiny"! Flower friends in the south can hide the shade at noon.

2. Root trimming method

Once the succulent plants turn into water and the black rot is mostly rotten, dig up the roots, clean up the rotten roots and remove the bad leaves.

The repaired roots can be soaked in carbendazim solution for 10-20 minutes, dry and then replanted directly.

3. Rooting method

Some flower lovers may find that the roots are rotten when they dig up the succulent plants, clean them up and cut off 1-2cm from the bottom, and soak the rest in the water of rooting powder. It will take about 5-8 days to take root.

4. Leaf insertion method

Some succulent rotten ones are left with only leaves, so they can still be inserted. Here, please repeat the method of leaf insertion.

Growth point: choose a normal growth point to successfully insert the leaf, the growth point is blocked or withered leaf insertion is in vain

The leaf cuttings had better be placed flat on the wet flower soil, and the diseased leaves are easy to be infected when inserted into the soil, and flat placement can play the role of isolation.

The process of leaf insertion and rooting is 7-10 days, during which it should be placed in a cool and ventilated place. Do not sprinkle water at will. It is best to use a small drop bottle and pour it directly on the soil.

About a month later, the seedlings grow strong and can be planted in pots.

The methods of growing flowers are pretty much the same.

Do you have more confidence after reading it?

A flower friend who raises well.

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