
How much do you know about the allergic factors of chronic bronchitis

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Chronic bronchitis in the elderly, known as one of human aging, is actually caused by the accumulation of a variety of lung diseases. Not the chronic bronchitis of the elderly, the proportion in real life is not small. If there is mainly wheezing in the symptoms.

Chronic bronchitis in the elderly, known as one of human aging, is actually caused by the accumulation of a variety of lung diseases. Not the chronic bronchitis of the elderly, the proportion in real life is not small. If the symptoms are mainly wheezing and shortness of breath, the cause of the disease is related to allergies, and there will be other allergic histories. There were more positive in skin test, and the number of eosinophils, histamine content and immunoglobulin in blood increased in sputum examination.

chronic bronchitis

Some cases showed positive serum rheumatoid factor and abnormal distribution of T lymphocyte subsets. All these manifestations are related to immune factors, and hunger can also be said to be a special constitution, just like an allergic constitution, which has become one of the factors inducing chronic bronchitis. Some people compare it more vividly to a combination of asthma and chronic bronchitis. The disease is also likely to be related to dust, dust mites, bacteria, fungi, parasites, pollen and chemical gases.

Speaking of allergens, not only the above-mentioned dust mites and other bacteria, dust and other factors outside life, but also daily diet such as milk and dairy products, can also become allergens, causing chronic bronchitis, or asthma, especially for infants and young children, if it is not breast milk, it is best to stop using milk for a period of time and switch to other breast-feeding methods such as goat milk.

Chronic bronchitis immunoglobulin

There are also oils such as eggs, fish, turtles, shrimps and crabs, peanuts and sesame seeds, and even wheat, cereals, nuts, meat and meat products, flour, some fruits and vegetables, tobacco, alcohol and chocolate may become allergens, cause chronic bronchitis, asthma, etc., infants and young children are most allergic to eggs, and should be discontinued if allergic reactions occur, and so on.

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