
The maintenance of Rieger Begonia should pay attention to these points to stay away from the disease.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Rieger Begonia is an indoor ornamental flower in winter and spring. it not only has large and colorful flowers, but also can bloom for about half a year. It is not excessive for some people to compare the delicate and beautiful flowers of Rieger Begonia with roses and peonies. They all say.

Rieger Begonia is an indoor ornamental flower in winter and spring. It not only flowers big and colorful, but also blooms for about half a year. Some people compare the beautiful flowers of Rieger Begonia with roses and peonies, which is not excessive at all. It is said that good-looking flowers are not easy to raise, many flower friends are also obsessed with the enchanting flower posture of Rieger Begonia, while hating and reluctant to part with Rieger Begonia, lamenting that Rieger Begonia is a delicate greenhouse flower that is not easy to raise. In fact, in the breeding process in temperature, humidity, light, soil, fertilizer water, pruning and other aspects of more efforts, it is not difficult to raise a good Rieger Begonia.

The optimum temperature for growth of Rieger Begonia is 18℃~25℃. Winter breeding, room temperature below 15℃ easy to drop buds. Below 5℃, Rieger Begonia is susceptible to freezing injury. Summer is higher than 30℃, Rieger Begonia will enter dormant state due to temperature discomfort.

The most suitable air humidity for Rieger Begonia is between 65% and 80%. Too dry air will make the leaves dry or germinate gray mold. In Rieger Begonia breeding base, there are professional humidification equipment for Rieger Begonia humidification, we just bought back most of the potted Rieger Begonia are also covered with bags, mainly to give it moisture, so we should usually spray the leaves (when there are flower buds, spray from the lower part of the plant to prevent falling flowers and buds), but at night there should be no accumulated water on the leaves to prevent the leaves and stems from rotting.

The leaves and stems of Rieger Begonia are particularly fragile, so they are afraid of direct light, but they should not be too shaded, because the light is too weak to easily affect pigment formation. The most suitable breeding location for it is near the south windowsill or a balcony with scattered light. It is also important to maintain good ventilation, because a closed, unventilated environment can also easily cause bacteria to breed in the leaves or stems of Rieger Begonia and cause decay. At ordinary times, 1:800 carbendazim solution should be sprayed once every 20 days to prevent the growth of gray mold. If gray mold has occurred (blackening or rotting around leaves), mancozeb or thiophanate-methyl should be sprayed in time. Once every 7 days, continuous spraying for 3 times can be effective.

Rieger Begonia likes loose, breathable and well-drained slightly acidic soil. If you change pots for Rieger Begonia every spring, it is recommended that decomposed pine needle soil plus garden soil and river sand be configured best, because pine needle soil contains slightly acidic soil, which not only has good permeability, but also contains many trace elements, which is very suitable for acid-loving plants such as Begonia, Rhododendron, Gardenia, Jasmine and Camellia. If there is no pine needle soil, apply 1:1000 ferrous sulfate solution to Rieger Begonia once a month to keep the soil slightly acidic.

Rieger Begonia branches and leaves have a large water content, like humid environment, watering see dry see wet, usually basin soil to maintain a slightly moist state, too humid and dry environment are not conducive to the growth of Rieger Begonia. Due to the long flowering period, a small amount of potassium dihydrogen phosphate can be added to the water when watering at ordinary times, once every half month, which can not only supplement the flowering nutrition, but also increase the potassium fertilizer for the plant, so that the stem grows stronger. After flowering, supplement a comprehensive compound fertilizer of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in time to reserve energy for the next flowering.

Pruning in time after flowering in late spring and early summer to reduce nutrient consumption for plants, applying carbendazim at the cut to prevent wound rot, moving to a cool and ventilated place for safe summer during dormancy (reduce watering during dormancy and stop fertilizing) When the temperature dropped in autumn, Begonia rieger entered the growth state, and then applying multi-element compound fertilizer could promote the rapid germination of lateral branches. In September, Begonia rieger entered the flower bud differentiation stage, and decomposed rice washing water could be applied once every 10 days and potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution of 1:1000 could be sprayed once every 7 days to promote flower bud differentiation.