
Petunia pot-breaking method: raise a few flowers and fill the balcony

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, As one of the most ornamental plants in summer, petunia is the first choice for many flower companions to grow in summer. Some people often say that petunia is easy to feed and easy to produce results, this is true, but really want to achieve "a sea of flowers", but also.

As one of the most ornamental plants in summer, petunia is the first choice for many flower companions to grow in summer. Some people often say that petunia is easy to feed and easy to produce results, this is true, but in order to achieve "a sea of flowers", we really need to make some efforts, so what should we do? Next, please accept this full of practical information!

Sowing is fastidious, we often say, "start with the doll." corresponding to the planting of petunia, we should pay great attention to this stage of sowing. Generally speaking, the key to sowing lies in the selection of soil, charcoal mud is a good choice, of course, if conditions permit, it is best to add some perlite or vermiculite to increase air permeability, lest the water retention of charcoal mud cover the branches and leaves of petunia. Petunia needs sunshine to sprout, and the south-facing windowsill is a good habitat.

Watering and lighting watching the new buds of petunia grow little by little, I believe that the flower friends in front of the screen must be happy, but you can't patronize it. Light and water are the top priorities at this stage. Petunia loves to drink water, and only when it is full can it not be afraid of the sun. But we must remember that the sun is certain, only to ensure that the four true leaves of Petunia enjoy enough sunshine, in order to make it grow more luxuriant, as for the explosion, it is natural.

Fertilization petunia is a very fertilizer-loving plant, fertilization has a great impact on the final flowering, according to experienced florist uncle, petunia in different stages of the application of fertilizer is also different, to put it simply, iron deficiency in the seedling stage is easy to yellowing, the application of iron fertilizer but must be diluted with water. During the rapid growth period, we should pay attention to balanced nutrition, farm manure, cake fertilizer, chicken manure, food waste retting fertilizer, etc., but it is best to topdressing according to the specific situation.

Many flower lovers may encounter the invasion of whitefly and leaf miner in the process of planting petunia, but once you find this symptom, please use the corresponding insecticide in time, but be sure to note that the insecticide itself may cause some damage to the plant, so proper dilution or reducing dosage is a good choice.

To plant petunia at the top is to see it grow into a luxuriant bouquet, and if you want to grow into a bouquet, the necessary topping work is indispensable. To put it bluntly, it is a kind of branch pruning, and if you put it on a petunia, you must highlight the word "ruthless". Don't hesitate to cut it along the edge of the basin, you can't bear the child or the wolf. When you see the bouquet full of flowers, you will naturally appreciate today's cruelty.