
People say no three favors, no meals, no money. Do you know what that means?

Published: 2024-09-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/07, There is still a certain truth in the old saying that "do not help three times, eat three meals, or spend three dollars", but sometimes we still need a specific analysis of specific problems. Since childhood, teachers have taught us to be willing to help others.

There is still a certain truth in the old saying that "do not help three times, eat three meals, or spend three dollars", but sometimes we still need a specific analysis of specific problems. Since childhood, teachers have taught us to be willing to help others and help people in difficulty, but sometimes your enthusiasm should see things clearly before helping, otherwise it may become more and more helpful or unhelpful. Let's see which three favors can't help. Next, let's discuss this old saying in rural areas with you.

Don't help three times.

1. Emotional problems

Everyone will experience emotional problems, especially the feelings of husband and wife and lovers. This is really a very troublesome thing. Many warm-hearted women like to get together to discuss emotional problems, and so do little girls. However, many couples quarrel because of trivial things, if you go to help, whether you are reasonable or not, one of the other two will always be angry with you. After all, it's a private matter, and it's hard for honest officials to break household chores, let alone us. It makes a lot of sense to say that you don't help your relationship.

2. Borrowing money

The problem of borrowing money has always been a headache for many people. sometimes you lend it to him kindly, but there is no news when it comes time to pay it back. It is not easy for anyone to make money, so if you are busy borrowing money, you'd better distinguish the situation and consider whether to borrow or not. If the other party is usually not qualitative, borrow money to buy a car, profligate, then do not even think about lending money to him. If the other party borrows money to go to school, it should be borrowed, because the child is willing to study, and such a child is promising, so he doesn't have to worry about not paying it back.

3. Be brave and busy

This kind of thing often happens to energetic young people, and a few young people don't agree with each other, so they have to do it. At this time, in order to strengthen their momentum, they always have to call in a few more of their own friends to help. For this kind of situation, most young people go because of face-saving and showing off. No, what will be the consequences after the past? I think we all know that there is no need to say much about this.

Don't eat three meals

1. White rice

Do not eat free rice, for those who eat old people, I have always thought that this is very powerful. At least thick-skinned enough, for these people who eat for nothing, I would rather be laughed at than work by myself. It was said in the middle school textbook that "a gentleman does not accept food given away". So you can't eat white rice.

2. Soft rice

Eating soft food refers to those men who depend on women for a living. A man should be ambitious and stand upright. Relying on women to earn money for a living, I only feel shameless. This kind of man can only be said to be very futile.

3. Leftovers

What's the taste of eating bones chewed by others? So young people should still have their own ideas and don't blindly follow others around.

It doesn't cost three dollars.

1. Ill-gotten gains

A gentleman loves money and takes it wisely. Personally, I think it is difficult to feel at ease when ill-gotten gains are spent. After all, it is not easy for everyone to make money. If the channel through which money comes is not formal, you still need to think twice.

2. Other people's money

After all, other people's is not their own, it is most comfortable to spend their own money. Even if you spend your parents' money, you are not as comfortable as spending your own money.

3. Tomorrow's money

Nowadays, it is popular to use all kinds of loans for consumption, but young people must consume moderately, consider the scope of their own ability, and do not overspend, causing unnecessary financial burden to themselves.

The above comes from the development of agriculture through science. I hope it will be helpful to you.