
I'll teach you a few tips. Ginger can also be made into potted plants and planted at home.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Ginger is a single-minded seasoning plant and has medicinal value. Generally planted in the field, flower friends can think of planting ginger into a pot, the idea is very good. Because the leaves of ginger are green and slender, very much like rich bamboo, they are planted in pots.

Ginger is a single-minded seasoning plant and has medicinal value. Generally planted in the field, flower friends can think of planting ginger into a pot, the idea is very good. Because the leaves of ginger are green and slender, very much like Fugui bamboo, they are very beautiful when planted in pots. Here to share with flower friends how to plant ginger into a potted plant.

1. Growth habits of ginger.

Ginger is native to the tropics, so the cold resistance of ginger is relatively weak, like the warm and humid growth environment. The best growth temperature is about 25 degrees. If the temperature is lower than 20 degrees, the growth will be slow. After freezing, the ginger will not sprout. The leaves of ginger have a faint smell of ginger and can ward off worms.

2. Planting

First of all, you need to prepare a germinated ginger. Germinated ginger is easier to find. If you buy a lot of ginger at home, it is very easy to find ginger sprouting, which can be planted. Or you can go directly to the vegetable market to buy germinated ginger, or you can find a piece of ginger and soak it in water for a few days to germinate.

After preparing the germinated ginger, if you think the bud is too small, you can soak it in water for a few days and pay attention to changing the water during the period, which is beneficial to the growth of the bud. Then separate the small buds of ginger, and each bud retains part of the ginger meat, which is beneficial to the nutrition absorption of ginger during its growth.

Soil ginger likes a warm and humid growth environment, in addition, the root of ginger is underdeveloped, and the basin soil restricts the growth of ginger, so it is best to choose a more fertile and loose sandy soil to avoid stagnant water in the basin and cause ginger to rot. If you choose soil, you can choose garden soil, sandy soil, humus soil, the ratio of the three is 1: 1: 1.

When planting, do not buy the ginger too deep, the ginger buds and part of the ginger meat exposed to the soil, which is conducive to the growth of ginger. After planting, pour water through the pot and move it to a cool place to let the ginger continue to sprout. The temperature had better be controlled at about 20 degrees, which is more conducive to the growth of ginger.

Usually in about two weeks, you can see the green buds of ginger, which look like bamboo shoots, and then the president points out the leaves. At this time, you can move the ginger to a place with astigmatism to avoid direct glare.

Watering depends on the weather. Ginger prefers a humid environment, but too much watering can easily cause ginger to rot. Generally, evaporation is more exuberant once a day, when evaporation is not exuberant, it can be done two or three times a week.

Generally a month or so ginger can grow to about 20 centimeters, the leaves are green, there is a touch of ginger flavor, very beautiful.

The above answers about ginger planting come from the original creation of developing agriculture through science. I hope it will be helpful to you. You are welcome to add my attention and learn more about flowers and agriculture.