
It is better to buy grapes than to plant grapes on the balcony and plant a few pots of grapes in the balcony.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Speaking of grapes, I believe we are no stranger, as one of the oldest fruit trees in the world, but also a common fruit in daily life, grapes have always been favored by consumers, is a very good healthy fruit. In recent years, with life.

Speaking of grapes, I believe we are no stranger, as one of the oldest fruit trees in the world, but also a common fruit in daily life, grapes have always been favored by consumers, is a very good healthy fruit. In recent years, with the improvement of living standards, more and more friends like to plant some fruits on the balcony, such as watermelons and strawberries, among which grapes are a good choice. The use of balcony space, potted on a pot of grapes, can not only play the effect of greening the home environment, but also enjoy the fun of planting while harvesting sweet fruit, naturally killing many birds with one stone. So, how to plant grapes? The following is to introduce the methods of potted grapes, together to understand it!

Potted grape

[pot planting method of grapes 1]

Choose the right container: potted grapes had better choose a large and strong container (too light plastic pot is not good, the ceramic pot above is the most suitable), can let the grapes climb the vine freely to grow, at least 35-45cm deep, diameter 50-60cm width is the most suitable, generally 50-70 liter container is the most suitable. Of course, at the beginning, the seedlings still chose small and medium-sized flowerpots, which grew for more than half a year before they slowly moved to the large pots.

Choose varieties: it is best to go to a large horticultural flower market to buy, of course, to adapt to your climate, and according to the variety to choose the most suitable flowerpot. Some varieties have good disease resistance, some have good cold resistance, and some are very low. Among them, the "Pixie" little spirit grape variety is the lowest variety I have ever seen, and of course it is a new variety.

Planting timing: the best time to plant grapes is in spring and early summer, so early planting is to make the grapes grow strong and better cope with the frost season. But if you live in the tropics and subtropics where there is no frost, the best time to grow grapes is in late autumn and winter.

Potted grape

. Location: it is best to keep it in a sunny, warm and dry place. If it is too hot in summer, do a good job of shading in the afternoon, but you also need more than 6 hours of light every day. Avoid raising in wet, dark and windy places, if the ventilation is not good, it is impossible to raise potted grapes, it will be easy to breed fungal diseases.

The shape of grapes: potted grapes also need to make scaffolding or some scaffolding, which can be made of wood or buy one directly. The grape plant grows very long and needs to be supported. In addition, you also need to shape it so that its vines grow in the shape you want, such as the following shapes. What kind of shape you develop should be determined when you choose what type of bracket you choose.

Soil choice: do not choose too sticky garden soil (vegetable garden soil), because it is potted grapes, so we must choose loose, rich in organic matter, well-drained humus soil. Composting soil is a good choice.

Proper watering: it is very necessary when watering regularly. Potted grapes hate the wet environment very much, so avoid watering too much, but keep the basin soil slightly moist (the soil can be pinched into a ball, but can not squeeze out water, it is slightly moist). Dampness is easy to rot roots and stems, and is easy to breed germs.

Potted grape

Fertilization: it is best to choose rotten manure or compost, other fertilizers as little as possible, in the first year of planting, you can fertilize in spring and summer, ordinary compound fertilizer can. In the following year, after budding in spring, high phosphorus and potassium fertilizers with low nitrogen content should be used.

Pollination: we all know that most potted grape varieties can be self-pollinated. Of course, in order to increase the success rate of hanging fruit, we need to shake the plant gently when the grape flowers are fully blooming, so that the success rate of pollination is higher.

Harvest: generally potted grapes can be harvested after 2-3 years. As mentioned above, the selection of varieties is the first key, and the pruning in winter and spring is the second key.

Potted grape

[method 2 for potted grapes]

1. Preparation of potted soil: the soil of potted grapes requires nutrient soil with good ventilation and drainage and high humus content. Because, the basin accumulation is limited, the soil is not much, but the request to the basin soil is higher. Proportion of nutritious soil: edible mushroom dregs (leftovers of Lentinus edodes and Pingru) or mature sawdust 40%, rotten leaf soil or garden soil 40% (can also use rotten soil such as vegetable leaves), mountain soil 10%, withered cake powder or dried chicken and duck manure add 10% phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, mix in kiln, mature for more than 30 days in summer and autumn, double in winter and spring, and use after ripening. The soil is changed from late February to early March every spring, 30% to 50% of the old soil is replaced, and some of the old roots are cut off. According to the size of the basin and apply about 200 grams of dried cake powder at the bottom of the basin, mix it with the soil and then put on a layer of nutritious soil, and plant the plant back into the pot. Finally, the scaffolding was repaired. What I would like to remind you here is that we must change the soil every year, not every two years. Practice shows that only by changing the soil and pruning roots every year can we have strong leaves and branches and a lot of fruit.


two。 Scientific fertilization: in order to make potted grapes grow strong and blossom and bear more fruit, it is necessary to fertilize frequently and fertilize scientifically. At the beginning of germination, nitrogen fertilizer should be applied once or twice to promote the luxuriant growth of branches and leaves and facilitate flowering. Before flowering, one or two times of thin fertilizer was applied mainly with phosphorus and potassium. When the flower is shedding and setting the fruit, in order to make the fruit expand, dry cake water should be applied every 7 to 10 days, in order not to pollute the environment. First dig 2cm to 3cm ditch around the edge of the basin, apply dry cake fertilizer and water into the ditch, immediately cover the soil, reduce odor evaporation, fertilizer gradually from light to thick. You can also spread the rotten dry cake powder on the surface of the basin soil, let it remature in the basin, and mix it well with the soil after 7 to 10 days. At the same time, after flowering and before fruit ripening, 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate and 0.5% plant oxytocin were used for extra-root fertilization every month.

Potted grape

3. Watering and humidity control: watering should be mastered well, usually watering depends on the soil seedlings watering according to the sky, and it is appropriate to keep the basin soil moist and slightly dry. In hot summer, water evaporates quickly, and it is necessary to water thoroughly every day, especially in the "three volts" high temperature weather, which is watered once every morning and evening. Control humidity on rainy days, especially in the rainy season, move the basin to the inside of the balcony to reduce rain. If there is stagnant water in the basin soil, it should be eliminated in time, otherwise there will be falling flowers and fruits.


3. Pruning: pruning and shaping are more important and complex technical measures for the management of potted grapes. Before the fruit, the pruning of the grape is mainly to adjust the relationship between its aboveground and underground parts, promote it to take shape as soon as possible, and create conditions for fruit setting in the coming year. The growth and fruiting habits of grapes vary from strain to strain. Most of the grapes used in potted plants are European system grapes, whose ears are planted on the fourth and fifth nodes of the fruit-bearing branches. The three axillary buds under the ear differentiate into mixed buds after harvest to prepare for fruiting in the coming year, so the fruiting branch in the current year happens to be the fruiting mother branch in the coming year. In order to control the plant type of potted grapes and prevent them from growing too tall, the fruiting branches of the same year should be truncated after defoliation at the end of autumn, and only two basal nodes should be retained in each branch. The branches produced by the axillary buds on these two nodes can bear fruit in the spring of the following year.