
You don't need to buy pesticides to grow flowers, just add some garlic water to the water and the worms will die.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, The editor believes that every household has garlic cloves, which is a necessary seasoning for stir-frying. Did you know that garlic cloves are not only an indispensable seasoning in delicious food, but also a good helper for us to grow flowers and dispel insects? I don't know.

Xiao Bian believes that every household has garlic cloves, a necessary seasoning for cooking! Do you know that garlic cloves are not only an indispensable seasoning for delicious food, but also a good helper for our flower cultivation and insect control? Don't you think it's crazy? Then look down with Xiaobian!

At this time, a lot of flower friends will wonder: Why do they keep so long flowers, a while ago are still good, looks very cute, but slowly the flowers die, even the leaves of the whole plant also began to wrinkle. In fact, many of our friends did not carefully observe, it is possible that the entire plant has been covered with small insects.

There are many friends who have been raising flowers for many years will have such feelings: not only worry about their flowers will yellow leaves, wither, but also worry about provoking small insects, if you spray pesticides on flowers that already have insects, I am afraid it will affect the growth of flowers.

Today's series is to solve this worry for friends! Teach everyone to make a "green pesticide", everyone can read carefully! Hope it's useful for flower friends. Oh!

Step 1: We need to peel out our garlic cloves, 5 to 6 cloves, and then beat them into garlic puree.

Step 2: Put the garlic puree in a container of suitable size, add cold white, soak for 24 hours.

Step 3: After soaking for another 24 hours, we can separate the garlic puree and garlic water with a filter net, and then dilute the garlic water 3 times.

After completing the above steps, we can put the garlic water into the watering can and use it. We only need to spray the right amount of insects on the plants! The effect is slowly produced, we need to spray garlic water for 3 consecutive days, so that we can raise flowers without insects!

I hope the sharing of Xiaobian will help you. Friends, what other ways to expel insects can be shared with you below the comments. Oh!