
It used to be the emperor's favorite tribute. The price is 15 times that of plums. Farmers don't want to eat it.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Warm Tip Wo Mu report is intended to share and popularize all kinds of plant information and functions, for reference only, if you need medicine, it is recommended to consult a professional physician to avoid problems! After the Beginning of Summer, summer has come, and you can eat all kinds of water.

warm reminder

Hemu report is intended to share and popularize all kinds of plant information and functions, for reference only, if you need medicine, it is recommended to consult a professional doctor to avoid problems!

After the beginning of summer, summer has arrived, and it is time to eat all kinds of fruits. There is a kind of delicious fruit in early summer that begins to mature slowly. The color is green with yellow, and the fruit is big and thin. It is a kind of precious fruit in Xiaogan, Hubei Province. According to historical records, Emperor Jiajing of the Ming Dynasty ate this fruit when he was a child and remembered it. When he became emperor, he sealed this fruit as tribute. The folk called this fruit "Jiajing Fruit".

Jiajing fruit was once the emperor's favorite, which cast a beautiful veil on it. In fact, it is a kind of plum, called "Jade Emperor Li", also known as "Royal Yellow Li", the name and the emperor's kinship, mainly entrusted to the Jiajing emperor's "blessing". Yuan Dynasty Wang Zhen "agricultural book" contains: "Royal yellow plum, shape big, meat thick, nuclear small, sweet and beautiful." The fruit is large, the flesh is many and delicate, the edible rate is 97%, the taste is sweet with a slight acid, the fragrance is rich. There is a saying that "Hedong plum Hexi fragrance","a plum tree, full of fan fragrance", is much more fragrant than ordinary plums.

Naturally, its price was not cheap. After all, it was a fruit that even emperors liked. Ordinary green plums taste sour, so not many people plant them in the countryside. Many of them rot on trees. In the city there is also this kind of green plum sell, very cheap, 2 yuan a catty can buy a lot. Yuhuang plum belongs to precious varieties, Dawu and Xiaogan in Hubei Province have the highest popularity. Yuhuang plum once achieved the good result of "three-year crown" at the plum identification meeting in Hubei Province. Its market price is generally not less than 30 yuan a catty, which is 15 times that of ordinary plums.

In Fangfan Village, the planting area of Jade Emperor Plum in Dawu, Hubei Province, the water conservancy conditions are good. In the old society, farmers and friends in the rich season of Jade Emperor Plum, every household uses baskets to pack plums picked, and uses the advantages of water conservancy to transport them to various places for sale. At that time, there was a local ballad: "a ship plums five ships of grain, rich years have money to use, disaster years good famine", it can be seen that the value of jade emperor plum is extremely high, from ancient times to the present is people's "rich tree."

At present, Jade Emperor Li is planted in Zhangjiakou, Shandong Liaocheng, Weifang and other places. The ripening season of the fruit is a little later than Hubei, and the price is also expensive. Farmers are reluctant to eat it and keep selling money to increase income. Readers, have you ever eaten Jade Emperor Li?

Text/wood report, picture/network

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