
The cutting method of geranium is simple and easy to operate and fill the balcony in the twinkling of an eye.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Geranium leaves are very similar to lotus leaves, the color is also green, but its flowers are very characteristic, not one by one, but a cluster, like a big bouquet. In addition, the colors are rich and gorgeous, which is very attractive.

Geranium leaves are very similar to lotus leaves, the color is also green, but its flowers are very characteristic, not one by one, but a cluster, like a big bouquet. In addition, the colors are rich and gorgeous, which is very attractive, so today Huahua teaches you how to raise geraniums!

The geranium is very strict to the growing environment. It likes the warm growing environment, but it can't bear the high temperature, so we should put it in an environment where it can be exposed to the sun and kept ventilated. Especially in the hot summer, do not let it come into contact with direct sunlight, otherwise the water evaporation is too large, it will burn the leaves.

Because of the high temperature in summer, the plants are in a state of semi-dormancy, so we must control the water, do not cause stagnant water. Thin sticks can be inserted into the soil to measure the dry humidity, otherwise the stagnant water will cause rotten roots and cause leaves to fall off. But if the root system does not absorb enough water, it can also lead to disease.

Because the leaves of geraniums have a lot of fluff on the surface, so we should not spray water on its leaves like green pineapple, let alone let it accept the rain. If the leaves rot, it means that there is a virus attack, at this time we should take it off in time to prevent the spread of germs.

When it comes to pruning, the best time for dormancy is after the dormancy period of the plant, because in this process it will grow a lot of new buds, we can prune it in an all-round way combined with changing pots, so that it will grow stronger in the future.

The goal of pruning is those rotten roots and extra branches and leaves, to retain the main branches, focus on pruning lateral branches, leave new buds, and then leave them in the shade to wait for the wound to heal. During this period, do not fertilize, wait until it returns to growth before fertilizing, so as to promote the extraction of flower buds!

The main propagation of geranium is to cuttage, then new branches and old branches can be, as long as it is not diseased branches, but for its survival rate, or choose new branches. The length of cuttings is about 10 centimeters, and it is best to keep 2 or 3 leaves above, but if you use old branches, do not have leaves on them.

We have to wait for the cut branch to heal before planting it in the basin. The soil in the basin should be kept moist to ensure that there is no stagnant water, and then it can be preserved in a semi-shade. It can take root in about a week or so. At this time, it can be properly exposed to the sun.