
The appearance of these characteristics of plants means that if you want to get sick, you can be treated as soon as possible.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, When the orchid is placed on the balcony, the poisonous sun will dry the leaf tip, so if you find the leaf tip dry, you must pay attention to the lack of water in the shade plant, or forget to water it, the plant will start yellowing from the tip and position, for example.

The orchid is placed on the balcony, and the hot sun will dry the leaf tip, so if you find the leaf tip dry, you must pay attention to shade.

If the plant is short of water, or forget to water it, the plant will turn yellow from the end and the stage. The solution, such as Codonopsis lanceolata, is to water it once every evening. If it is like the kind that is more hardy, succulent plants can be left unwatered for half a month or so.

If the leaves turn yellow slowly from the bottom to the top, it means metabolism. In the process of growing, the yellowed leaves will fall off, and the stem will become more sturdy. If it is the succulent one, there is no need to worry about falling below. To grow into a better shape.

The new leaves turn yellow and wilt, that is, too much watering will cause the new leaves to turn yellow, while the old leaves will be relatively better, so the solution is not to water too often.

If this happens to summer plants, it is sick, it is necessary to hurry up the treatment!