
If the rose is small, learn three tricks to become a giant.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Many flower friends complain to Huahua that their rose is small and only a few buds do not blossom diligently. Today, Huahua will tell you a few tricks to see how to turn the ordinary rose into a giant rose. The first move is to have enough fertilizer.

Many flower friends complain to Huahua that their rose is small and only a few buds do not blossom diligently. Today, Huahua will tell you a few tricks to see how to turn the ordinary rose into a giant rose.

The first move is to provide adequate and balanced fertilizer.

If base fertilizer has been applied in December, you can avoid topdressing in early spring and sprinkle an appropriate amount of chemical fertilizer around the root to accelerate budding.

In summer, its evaporation and consumption are large and grow rapidly. during flowering, thin fertilizer should be applied every 10 days, and bean cakes and poultry dung can also be soaked in water and mixed with water after closed fermentation to make the plant blossom and flourish and break the dormancy state of rose in summer. Watering should use sunburned water to reduce the temperature difference between basin soil and water, such as using ultra-cold water, it will stimulate the root system and affect the normal development of the plant.

In order to facilitate and save trouble, it is recommended to use ready-made organic fertilizer, the content of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium is rich and balanced, adding a variety of organic ingredients to promote rose growth, flowering, easy to use, directly with mineral water bottled water, dripping 1 ml, you can irrigate the basin soil.

The number of fertilizers should be more and timely. General new species or transplant potted rose, with humus and loose loess can be cultivated, it is best mixed with a small amount of broad bean shell, bean cake or chicken pigeon dung, so that the rose can constantly absorb nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other nutrients from the soil.

If the old potted rose needs to change pots, you can also apply base fertilizer according to the law; if you do not change pots, you can remove 2-3 cm of soil and fill in some fresh fish belly intestines or chicken pigeon dung and bean cake crumbs as base fertilizer. This is best done when the rose is dormant from January to February.

In this way, the fertilizer will gradually ferment into liquid fertilizer, with Rain Water or irrigated water infiltrating into the root, achieving better results. It is the peak growing season of rose after May. Topdressing should be applied once every 10 days. The rotten fermented fish juice and vegetable leaf juice can be mixed with 3 parts of fertilizer and 7 parts of water, and the fertilization will be stopped in November.

Second, watering should be in line with the season

In spring, potted plants are not dry or watered, and those planted on the ground are watered thoroughly; those planted on the ground are only watered once after they are unearthed, but not usually; if they happen to be dry, they should be watered every 10-15 days. From the bud expansion period in late April to the flowering period in early May, do not make the soil dehydrated and the soil surface should not be dry.

In summer, the weather is hot, evaporation is large, pot watering should be more, especially later should be irrigated enough. However, when the air humidity is high in the rainy season in the south and continuous rain in the north, watering should be controlled. If the soil is often watery and wet, it is not conducive to root respiration and is prone to mildew. Therefore, the land should be planted in time to drain waterlogging. In order to reduce evaporation and cooling when potted plants are hot, they should spray more surface water in addition to spraying foliar water many times a day.

Autumn, the climate is gradually cool, evaporation is not as large as summer, potted watering should not be too frequent, still grasp the principle of no dry, no watering, watering thoroughly. In late autumn, watering should be controlled.

In winter, the ground-planted and potted rose should be watered once before the earth freezes in November to facilitate overwintering. Since then, every half a month or so, irrigate at noon to prevent the basin soil from being too dry to damage the root system.

The third move, pruning, if you can do it, you will gain a lot.

If you want your rose to blossom more, then you should grow more branches, and it will not affect the ventilation and light of the plant, not the more luxuriant and luxuriant the leaves are, the better. Please come and learn with me.

As you can see in the picture above, the branches at the top of the rose have now been cut off, and we can also see new buds growing at the red arrows, that is, the new branches. If you hide this leaf bud, it will make the rose grow denser.