
The leaves of the rubber tree planted in the ground are thick and wide, and the branches are strong and straight. You can also know that these two potted plants can also be used.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Rubber tree is ornamental flowers very strong, it can be planted can also be potted, planted rubber tree leaves thick and wide, branches thick and straight, want potted to achieve such an effect, you need to master these three points oh! The sun outdoor curing rubber...

Rubber tree is a very ornamental flower, it can be planted in the ground or potted, the leaves of the rubber tree are thick and broad, and the branches are stout and straight. If you want to achieve this effect, you need to master these three points.


Outdoor maintenance of rubber trees, there is no shelter around, the sun is very abundant, so that the leaves of rubber trees can fully carry out photosynthesis, compared with the limited indoor light, outdoor occupies an absolute advantage, so rubber trees grow so tall and green.

If you want a potted rubber tree to grow vigorously and how long its side branches are, you need to put it in a sunny place at home. If there is a terrace, it is recommended to keep it on the patio. The rubber tree is very solid and can be maintained on the patio. Don't worry, but the light is good, which is more conducive to its growth.

Moisture content

Outdoor maintenance of rubber trees, often accept water is Rain Water, Rain Water is acidic, rubber trees are also acid, so such acidic substances fall on the rubber tree, so its roots can be developed, leaves bright.

Comparatively speaking, potted rubber trees do not have such advantages and can only be watered artificially. In many cases, we water tap water, and we may seldom pick up Rain Water to water rubber trees, so we want to raise rubber trees well. occasionally pick up some Rain Water, it is very helpful for it.


The soil of the earth is very fertile, and some fallen leaves fall directly on the ground, which have been fully mature after a long time, forming a very good nutritious soil, which can provide rich nutrients for rubber trees. In addition, there is no limit to root growth, how can rubber trees not grow vigorously?

For potted rubber trees, the space in the flowerpot is limited, and there is no place for the roots to grow outward, and the soil will be unnutritious or hardened after a period of time, so if you want the rubber tree to grow well, it is recommended to change the soil once a year and change a larger pot, which is more conducive to its growth and will flourish.

So, indoor potted rubber tree, these three points are very important, master, it can also grow into a towering tree, and luxuriant branches!