
On the maintenance of hydrangea in spring

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Although it is summer now, it is time for hydrangea to bloom. Then how to make it open well now, spring maintenance is very important, if you do not know how to manage, miss this spring, then learn to keep.

Although it is summer now, it is time for hydrangea to bloom. How to make it open well now, spring maintenance is very important. If you don't know how to manage and miss this spring, you can learn to save it for next year.

1. Pruning

In the spring of the recovery of all things, we should first trim the hydrangea properly, cut off the dead branches and weak branches. On the one hand, it can comb the flower pattern, and on the other hand, it can promote the germination of new branches.

2. Change the basin

The spring hydrangea is in a period of breaking dormancy (except in the warm south, because most areas are not dormant). When the hydrangea is ready to go after a winter silence, replace it with a larger basin or the original pot to change the soil. Loose and breathable new soil will make hydrangea grow better. When changing pots, the roots of the plants were trimmed and the rotten roots were cut off.

3. Watering

After changing the basin, pour through the water, put it in the shade for about ten days, and then move to the outdoor normal management. Daily watering should not be too frequent, just keep the soil moist. More water is easy to rot roots, less water is easy to wither and wilt.

4. Fertilization

Hydrangea is a fattening flower, so fertilizing is necessary if you want to raise it well. Fertilization can be carried out after 2-3 days of soil change and after the root system recovers well. Daily application of nitrogen-based organic fertilizer, switch to phosphorus and potassium fertilizer during bud pregnancy, remember to apply thin fertilizer frequently.

5. Lighting

Hydrangea is a short-day flower, which can be maintained in a semi-shady place in spring. Avoid direct sunlight when the sun is large.

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