
Culture methods and matters needing attention of Iron Tree

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Soil: iron trees need to choose sandy soil that is well drained, loose, fertile and slightly acidic. Light: put it in a sunny place, especially when new leaves are growing. Temperature: do not lower than 10 degrees in winter, spray water to cool down when high temperature. Moisture: once every three or five days in spring and autumn, twice a day in summer, and once every ten days in winter. Fertilization: mainly nitrogen and potassium fertilizer.

1. Soil

Specific requirements: first drainage is good, iron tree bogey wet. The second is loose, containing more nutrients. Third, the plants themselves prefer slightly acidic sandy soil.

2. Light

Iron trees are especially fond of light, so they should be placed in a place with plenty of light every season. In the absence of light, the leaves become thin and lose their green color, and the plant becomes thin. Especially in spring and autumn, when new leaves grow, be sure to ensure light.

3. Temperature

It likes warmth. However, it is too high, so it needs to be cooled by spraying water in summer. It should not be too low, and it should be above ten degrees in winter to be safe for winter.

4. Water

In general, it likes to dry, afraid of waterlogging, can be observed after the soil dried and then watered. The number of watering times varies according to the season. In spring and autumn, generally once every three or five days; in summer high temperature, watering times should be more, once in the morning and once in the evening; winter at least, once every ten days or so. The general principle is "see dry see wet", do not accumulate water.

5. Fertilization

Mainly nitrogen and potash fertilizer, such as decomposed cake fertilizer water. However, the fertilizer should not be too thick. In addition, in order to promote the leaf color to become dark green, ferrous sulfate can be added to the fertilizer.

6. Precautions

Pay attention to pruning. At regular intervals, old leaves and yellow leaves can be cut off. Over-dense leaves, depending on the situation, decide whether to cut them together.