
Culture methods and matters needing attention of asparagus chinensis

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Soil: use loose, fertile, draining and breathable soil. Humidity: usually need irrigation top watering, keep moist. Temperature: between 20 and 28 degrees. Light: shade is needed in summer, and the illuminance is kept at 40% to 50. Fertilizer: compound fertilizer once or twice a month in the growing season.

1. Soil

It prefers soil that is loose, fertile and well drained and breathable. It can be made from garden soil, rotten leaf soil, rotten organic fertilizer, and river sand in a ratio of 5: 3: 1: 1.

2. Humidity

It likes to get wet. At ordinary times, the method of irrigation and top watering is needed to ensure that the soil is in a suitable moist state. If it is not too dry, it will not affect too much.

3. Temperature

The most suitable range for its growth is 20 to 28 degrees. If it is below 15 degrees or more than 32 degrees, the plant will dormant. In order to make the plant stronger, it is best not to cross the limit.

4. Lighting

It also likes light, but not too strong. The summer light is too strong, can be properly shaded, or adjust its position. In other seasons, astigmatism, the illuminance is about 40% to 50.

5. Fertilizer

Relatively speaking, it does not have a great demand for fertilizer. Use it only when you are growing vigorously, usually use it two or three times a month and choose compound fertilizer.

6. Points for attention

In addition to the above several environmental factors that need to be regulated, there are also pruning and basin changes that need to be paid attention to. As for pruning, you only need to cut off the yellowing and aging leaves and adjust them slightly according to the overall ornamental effect. With regard to changing pots, change pots once a year to April, prepare new soil (the requirements remain unchanged), and add some base fertilizer to grow after satisfaction.