
The main points of potted Petunia in Family

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Autumn, winter and spring had better be placed on the sunny balcony, pay attention to shade in summer, prevent burns, provide it with water, fertilizer and light during flowering, and pick the flowers after falling. Petunia is not resistant to high temperature, pay attention to spraying water to cool down when high temperature, and pay attention to pruning when daily maintenance.

1. Location

In spring and autumn, it is best not to place it on the balcony facing the north, because the light is relatively weak, and if it is placed in the north, the light is even less. Summer needs to be placed in the east and north, because the summer temperature is particularly high, to give it shade.

2. Winter

In the winter at home need to pay attention to one point, that is, it can only winter in temperatures above zero degrees, we had better prevent it in the closed balcony with light inside, so that wind and rain will not affect it, in addition, we also keep the pot soil moist, but also give it plenty of light, of course, if the balcony temperature is particularly high, its flowering will also advance.

3, flowering

If you want it to bloom, you must first have a little requirement, that is, the temperature should be appropriate, only in the appropriate temperature, it will bloom. When flowering, we need to pay attention to water and fertilizer, and also give it plenty of light. If the flower fails, it must be removed. There is also an advantage to picking flowers, that is, the leaves below it will grow new branches and bloom again, and the flowering period will be prolonged. Don't apply too much fertilizer, especially nitrogen, to it at flowering stage. If you apply too much fertilizer, it will easily lead to its plants growing too tall and lodging.

4, pruning

Pruning is necessary, especially if it is grown at home. In May and October, its flowers bloom continuously, and the vines grow especially long. At this time, we can cut off its stem and then fertilize it to keep the pot wet. Soon, there will be new branches and flowers on the stem. Of course, if we are to cultivate hanging cultivation, then we can not prune.

5. Shade

The next year the temperature is particularly high, we have to cool it down, but also to shade it, it is best to sprinkle some water on the surrounding ground, but also to give it a wind. Be careful not to pour too much water on it, otherwise it will cause its roots to rot. We should note that it is not resistant to high temperature, if the temperature has been above 30 degrees, it will have physiological wither death.