
How to raise the stars?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Raising Tianxing needs to use soft, breathable, nutrient-rich, weakly alkaline sandy loam, and give it a moist soil environment, a temperature of 10-25 ℃ and enough sunlight. In addition, we should also pay attention to the occurrence of leaf spot and scale insects. Reproduction can be done by sowing or cutting.

I. Culture environment

1. Soil: raising Tianxing needs to use soft, breathable, high nutrient content, weakly alkaline sandy loam. Specifically, rotten leaf soil, sandy soil, nutritious soil and garden soil can be mixed according to the proportion of 3, 2, 3, 3, and 2.

2, watering: usually to keep the basin soil moist, once the soil begins to dry, it should be watered in time.

3. Temperature: keep the temperature between 10-25 ℃ in peacetime and 5-12 ℃ in winter.

4. Illumination: the full sky star is slightly shady and cannot grow in the dark environment for a long time. It can grow better only if you give it enough sunlight.

II. Methods of reproduction

1. Sow and reproduce: the stars can be sown in early spring or autumn solstice. After sowing, it needs to be given a temperature of 10-25 ℃ and a relatively humid environment.

2. Cuttage propagation: Mantianxing can be cut in spring. Cuttings should choose hardwood, cut it to 10-15cm, then insert it into the soil, pour a certain amount of water, and control the temperature at about 15 ℃ and humidity above 95%. It won't take long for it to take root.

III. Common diseases and insect pests

1. Leaf spot. After discovery, the diseased leaves should be removed and destroyed in time, and sprayed with chlorothalonil or mancozeb.

2. Scale insects. It can be sprayed with omethoate solution.