
How did the characteristics of Guangdong bonsai come into being?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Bonsai art has a history of more than 7000 years, and it can be regarded as another bright pearl in the art treasure house of our country. Let's talk about the characteristics of Guangdong bonsai, which has a long history, dating back to 1000 years ago.

Bonsai art has a history of more than 7000 years, and it can be regarded as another bright pearl in the art treasure house of our country. Let's talk about the characteristics of Guangdong bonsai, its history is also quite long, can be traced back to 1000 years ago, its main style is to embody the charm of nature.

Its production materials are taken from plants and forest stones to restore the height of the motherland's famous mountain scenery to bonsai, but its most prominent feature is that the plants in bonsai are majestic and vigorous, simple and natural.

In this thousand years of history, its evolution and cultural heritage also have a long history, but its final artistic style is formed in modern times. In the process of this evolution, there are mainly three schools, and the works created by different schools have different artistic styles.

The artistic feature of the first school is to make reference to traditional Chinese painting, which makes its majestic, simple and other characteristics particularly remarkable. The other school mainly reflects its lonely and elegant characteristics, its selection of materials is also unique, it is the use of dying stumps as materials, and then after careful maintenance, so that it has a new life, some new buds can sprout. The third school is also unique, because it is shaped in the temple, so it mainly reflects the characteristics of fresh and refined, far away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

It is also very exquisite in the process of production. First of all, it is necessary to judge the pros and cons of the tree shape, mainly by observing the trunk, root and head to distinguish between the good tree shape and the bad tree shape, for the production of bonsai, we must choose the excellent tree shape, so that it has ornamental value.

Secondly, the most important thing about potted plants is stereotyping, because it can express your production intention, and you must have a composition in your heart to express its beauty in the most natural way according to the different forms of the tree. After that, it is best to choose those fully developed or peculiar tree trunks, and choose different trunks according to your needs.

Once again, the root should be trimmed. The survival of a plant depends largely on its root. If the root is good, the plant will grow well if it absorbs more nutrients. Therefore, attention must be paid to the pruning process. The pruning of branches should also be careful, and the overall beauty should not be affected because of the distance, length and other problems. The last is cultivation, one thing is to master the characteristics of various plants, know its germination and other conditions, so that the survival rate of plants will be greatly improved.

There are also many representative works of Guangzhou bonsai, such as Jiuli incense, black bone incense, dragon boat flower and so on. Although they have differences in material selection and artistic expression, they all show the unique charm of Guangdong bonsai incisively and vividly.