
In summer, six kinds of succulent plants that are easy to spend summer introduce beauty without being delicate and stress-free.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, As the temperature gets higher and higher, the pace of summer is getting closer and closer. When I think of that hot summer day, not only people are lethargic, but also succulent plants. Summer is a nightmare for most succulent plants, a little.

As the temperature gets higher and higher, the pace of summer is getting closer and closer. When I think of that hot summer day, not only people are lethargic, but also succulent plants. Summer is a nightmare for most succulent plants and will die this summer if you don't pay attention to it. However, there are always some succulent exceptions, for which summer is not torture, but an experience. As long as it is properly maintained, it is still beautiful and fun to spend the summer. So, what are the succulent plants that are easy to spend the summer? The following is to introduce some succulent plants suitable for summer, beautiful but not delicate, summer stress-free! Let's get to know it!

Blue stone lotus

1. Blue stone lotus

Blue stone lotus can be one of the craziest succulent plants in summer. It is not only easy to raise, but also very good-looking. It is right to raise a pot of blue stone lotus for friends who are afraid of spending the summer. In the maintenance process of blue stone lotus, the maintenance and management of stone lotus is actually very simple, changing pots every early spring to clean up withered leaves and too many seed plants. Potted soil is made of drained peat soil or rotten leaf soil plus coarse sand. Dry environment is better during the growing period, and no more watering is needed. If the basin soil is too wet, the stems and leaves are easy to grow, and the viewing period is shortened. Especially under the condition of low temperature in winter, the roots are easy to rot and become rootless plants with too much water. High temperature in midsummer, it is not appropriate to water more, but less water spray, do not shower. Fertilize once a month during the growing period to keep the leaves green. However, excessive fertilization will also lead to excessive growth of stems and leaves. If the plant is more than 2-3 years old, the plant tends to aging, so new seedlings should be cultivated and renewed in time. In addition, the root should not be exposed, get some more soil cover, and occasionally pour some rice water on it.


Second, Qiuli

Qiuli is similar to blue stone lotus, and it is also a kind of succulent plant that is exposed to no pressure in summer. Even after a summer, many cubs can be revealed to surprise you. In the maintenance process of Qiuli, Qiuli is easy to rot in an excessively humid environment, so don't water too much. In order to avoid water deposition in the roots, it is best to choose pots with drainage holes at the bottom, red pottery pots with good air permeability can be used for beginners (but may affect the fullness of leaves), and glass containers with heat absorption and poor air permeability should be used with caution. Usually about once every 10 days, each time can be thoroughly watered, according to the climate differences of different regions and seasons, the watering frequency can be increased or decreased as appropriate.

first love

Third, first love

Pink moving first love, even in summer can maintain the pink color, summer without stress! In the maintenance process of first love, succulent first love needs to receive enough sunshine, the leaf color will be bright, the plant type will be more compact and beautiful, and the leaves will be thicker. If the sunshine is too little, the leaves are only long: the leaves are light, the leaves are loosely arranged, the leaf spacing is longer, and the leaves become thinner. Apart from paying attention to proper shading in summer, all-day sunshine can be allowed in other seasons; first love succulent plants generally wait until the soil is dry before watering, although the leaves are not easy to get water and drop white powder, but if the water in the heart of the leaves is retained for too long, it is easy to cause rot; in addition, the first love succulent plants are small and medium-sized plants, with the pot diameter being 1-2 inches larger than the plant diameter, which can promote plant growth.

Frost Dynasty

IV. Frost Dynasty

If you want to talk about succulent plants that are beautiful and easy to spend the summer, you can't do without Frost Dynasty. Frost Dynasty leaves like thick frost Yan wipe, but also can withstand the summer heat, even in summer can maintain a beautiful state, is an indispensable choice. In the maintenance process of Frost Dynasty, as mentioned before, the more sufficient the light is, the greater the temperature difference between day and night is, the more bright and moist the leaves are. In the case of suitable temperature, it is best to put it outside for maintenance to ensure sufficient light; in addition, because of the high water content in the plant, Frost is easy to rot in an excessive humid environment. Avoid watering too much; in order to avoid root water siltation, it is best to choose a basin with a drainage hole at the bottom, and a red pottery basin with good air permeability can be used for beginners; glass containers are endothermic and have poor air permeability, so they should be used with caution. When the temperature is too high (more than 35 ℃) or too low (less than 5 ℃) in winter and summer, the plant growth should be reduced or stopped temporarily, and the watering frequency should be restored when the temperature is suitable.

Special Yulian

5. Special Yulian

The special jade lotus with curly leaves has a unique ornamental value and is a very good succulent plant, and it is easy to burst cubs from the bottom, and there is no pressure in summer. In the maintenance process of Teyu lotus, the more sufficient the light is, the greater the temperature difference between day and night is, the more colorful the leaves are. In the case of temperature permitting, it is best to put outdoor maintenance to ensure sufficient light; the water content of the plant itself is very high, and a large amount of water can easily lead to decay. It is recommended that the watering interval should be about 10 days, dry and thoroughly. It can be adjusted according to climatic conditions. Te Yulian should not apply too much fertilizer, especially nitrogen fertilizer. It is appropriate to apply thin fertilizer dominated by phosphorus and potassium once a month.

Silver star

6. Silver Star

Red leaf tip thorns, as beautiful as stars, is a very easy to feed a succulent plant. But it should be noted that sometimes the greenhouse has just been brought over, do not suddenly light too strong, it is easy to sunburn, as long as adapt, all kinds of sun is no problem. In the maintenance process of Silver Star, Silver Star likes to have plenty of sunshine. When the plant is dormant for a short time at high temperature in summer, it should be shaded properly at this time. Spring, autumn and early summer are the main growth periods of the plant, which can be given sufficient light. Yinxing watering follows the principle of dry and thorough watering. There should be little or no water supply in summer. Do not spray or flood in winter. Spring and autumn growth period dry thoroughly, keep properly dry, can be watered once a week; in addition, when watering in winter, do not pour in the leaf center, easy to cause leaf rot, but usually can clean leaves.