
Cupid of the genus Elaeagnus in Sedum family

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, This girl is a little sweet Cupid is a succulent plant of the genus Euphorbia crassulaceae, a hybrid of Teyulian and Debbie. Morphological features: Cupid leaves oblanceolate to Obovate, slightly hypertrophic, powdered, sharp at the front end.


Picture and text: this girl is a little sweet.

Cupid is a succulent plant of the genus Euphorbia in crassulaceae and is a hybrid of Teyulian and Debbie.

Morphological features:

Cupid leaves oblanceolate to Obovate, slightly fleshy, powdery, sharp at the front end, slightly curved and twisted at both ends. Cupid leaves pink-white to pink-purple. In different states, the Cupid leaf shape varies greatly, some are thin to nearly flat, some are thick to near finger shape.

Growth habits:

Cupid maintenance is not difficult, spring, autumn and winter can be fully illuminated, or dewy, can be fully watered, basin soil dry for seven or eight minutes can be thoroughly watered, avoid long-term rain, avoid watering, autumn and winter more light, Cupid plant type will be more compact, leaf shape is thicker, color is more pink and purple, such as lack of light, leaves are thinner, the color becomes white and green. Cupid should pay attention to proper shading, ventilation and water control in summer.

Maintenance mode:

Cupid is not suitable for indoor planting, it is best to raise it outdoors or put it on the balcony. Sufficient light will keep it in good condition. Cupid has thick and juicy leaves and is a very drought-tolerant succulent plant, but it also inherits the characteristics of Teyu lotus, that is, it is easy to rot roots, especially in summer, water will rot, so try not to water as much as possible when the summer weather is hot, and you can wait until the leaves are soft. This can reduce the occurrence of rotten roots, soil choice of coarse sand and other granular soil is better, air permeability is better, generally watering at night, at the same time should pay attention to ventilation! Watch the ventilation! Watch the ventilation! Important things are to be repeated for 3 times!

Mode of reproduction:

Mainly to insert leaves, select healthy leaves, dry for half a month, when the growing point shows signs of redness, indicating that the growth point is about to sprout, the growing point can be better screened, and then sowing at this time is the best time to ensure the uniformity of germination rate. Cupid leaves can germinate in about a month. after germination, wet the surface with a spray can every day, be careful not to water it through, because the roots have not yet grown well, it is unlikely to absorb nutrients, and the growth still depends on the nutrition supply of the leaves themselves. the main purpose is to prevent the leaves from shrinking. If the leaf insertion is carried out in summer, it is best to mix some germicidal drugs in the water to avoid the phenomenon of rotting roots and withered seedlings due to damp. When it grows to about 3cm, it can be put on the pot.

The difference between Snow Elf and Cupid

The Cupid leaf type is obviously different from the snow elf. The Cupid leaf is longer and longer than the snow elf. The width from the middle to the front of the leaf increases gradually. The snow elf leaf is shovel-shaped. The width of the front end of the leaf is much larger than that of the middle of the leaf, and the upper Cupid is more likely to be purple-red.

Snow genie


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