
The hidden treasures in the mountains are half insect pupae and half flowers with nutritional value comparable to that of Cordyceps sinensis.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, China's vast territory, mountains, some inaccessible mountains, hidden in how many people know treasures. In the late 1950s, a kind of animal-like non-animal and plant-like non-plant was first discovered in Jilin City, China.

China's vast territory, mountains, some inaccessible mountains, hidden in how many people know treasures. In the late 1950s, a kind of "grass" similar to animals and plants was found for the first time in Jilin City, China. Its underground part is insect pupae, and above ground parts are orange flowers, that is, half are insect pupae and half are flowers. Very unique. Later, after identification, it was found that this "grass" was a kind of Cordyceps, which was similar to Cordyceps sinensis, so it was named "Cordyceps militaris". In order to distinguish it from Cordyceps sinensis, people also called it "Cordyceps militaris".

The formation of Cordyceps sinensis is similar to that of Cordyceps sinensis, which is a kind of fungus that grows after the hyphae invade the larvae of the insects and absorb the nutrients of the insects. It's just that the mycelium of Cordyceps sinensis invades the larvae of Cordyceps bat moth, while the hyphae of Cordyceps sinensis invades the pupae of Lepidoptera insects. At present, there is almost no artificial cultivation of Cordyceps sinensis, and most of Cordyceps sinensis are artificially cultivated today, which has an advantage over Cordyceps sinensis. So its price is cheaper, but it is only relatively cheap compared to Cordyceps sinensis, for ordinary people, it is still very expensive, the price is about 1000 yuan per jin.

There is also a reason why Cordyceps militaris is so expensive in the market. It contains cordycepin and cordyceps polysaccharides, has better health care effect, can enhance human immunity, improve disease resistance, and plays an auxiliary role in the treatment of many chronic diseases of the human body. the efficacy is comparable to that of Cordyceps sinensis. And because the cultivation condition of artificial Cordyceps militaris is superior to that of wild natural environment, its quality is very high, and its content of protein, amino acids and vitamins is comparable to that of Cordyceps militaris. It is also a popular medicine and food supplement in the market.

The edible method of Cordyceps sinensis is usually soaked in water to drink. After soaking in water, the water will show a bright yellow. If it is a fake, it is generally turbid. However, the body of Cordyceps militaris is relatively large, many people can not accept this shape, but also choose to grind it into powder and soak in water. It can also be used to soak wine, stew, etc., with a certain dietotherapy effect. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that Cordyceps sinensis can tonify kidney yang, lung yin, balance human yin and yang, recuperate the body, is one of the best traditional Chinese medicine.

Readers, do you know this peculiar Cordyceps sinensis?