
The yellow leaves of asparagus are about to die. the simple step is not only to bring the dead back to life, but also to bring the leaves green.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Asparagus is an ideal potted plant for home decoration, it is evergreen all the year round, the leaves are distinct, luxuriant and green, but the maintenance of asparagus, there will also be withered yellow leaves, I feel that I am going to die! In doing so, a simple step can not only lead to death.

Asparagus is an ideal potted plant for home decoration, it is evergreen all the year round, the leaves are distinct, luxuriant and green, but the maintenance of asparagus, there will also be withered yellow leaves, I feel that I am going to die! In doing so, a simple step can not only bring the dead back to life, but also make the leaves green and rejuvenate.

For asparagus with withered yellow leaves, cut directly and keep only five centimeters above the root. Put it at home, bright astigmatism, well-ventilated place, can grow new buds in about seven days, a month can grow to about 20 centimeters, luxuriant and green, more beautiful than before.

Learn to prevent yellow leaves in the process of maintenance

The appearance of yellow leaves in asparagus has a lot to do with smoke and dust. if you put asparagus in the kitchen or outside the window, and smoking around asparagus, it is easy to cause yellow leaves, so conservation of asparagus should avoid these situations.

The emergence of yellow leaves of asparagus may be due to insufficient nutrition and lack of nutrients, which will also lead to yellowing and withering of the leaves and reduce the ornamental effect, so during the growth period, it is recommended to apply nitrogen fertilizer every ten days to promote the leaves to be green and luxuriant.

Lack of light, will also make the leaves yellow, less light, will affect the leaf photosynthesis, can not form chlorophyll, will also be yellow leaves, conservation asparagus, should be placed in a sunny place.

If the light is too strong, it will also burn the leaves and make them yellow, so we should not only ensure sufficient sunlight, but also pay attention to cover when the light is strong.

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