
Don't throw the banana peel around and use it as fertilizer. The flowers grow wildly into a waterfall.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, In order to make the flower grow better, we must ensure that it has enough nutrients. The fertilizer needed by flowers is generally available, but do you know that there are many nutrients suitable for flowers in life, and banana peel is a good fertilizer. ...

In order to make the flower grow better, we must ensure that it has enough nutrients. The fertilizer needed by flowers is generally available, but do you know that there are many nutrients suitable for flowers in life, and banana peel is a good fertilizer. Not only is it easy to get, but also the maintenance of flowers is very good.

1. Make liquid fertilizer

Cut the banana peel into small pieces, put it in a bottle, fill the bottle with water and seal it. When he ferments well, watering the flowers and plants with water will make them grow better.

2. Composting

When composting, at the same time, cut the banana peel into small pieces, sprinkle it into the basin soil, and stack a layer of soil on top of it. Repeat so that nutritious fertilizer will make the plant grow more healthily.

3. Sun-dried banana peel

Put the banana skin in the sun to dry, and then mash it into powder, this is a good fertilizer. When in use, it can be directly sprinkled into the basin soil, or irrigated with water.

4. Fertilizer sown

It can also be used as a fertilizer for sowing, burying the banana peel in the soil, where the seed will slowly absorb the nutrients of the decomposed banana peel in the soil during the seed growth, which will make the seed more nutritious.

5. Used to kill insects

Banana peel can also kill insects. When banana peel and Apple Cider Vinegar are mixed into a bottle, there will be a fragrance in the bottle at night, attracting the bug into the bottle. When it falls into a trap, it can be killed. This effect lasts only one night, and the next day it will be gone after fermentation.