
Put these junk gardenia in the flowerpot for ten years without yellow leaves and green leaves blooming in oil and blooming so much and big.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Flower friends have encountered such a problem, to the flowers are also normal watering, but also normal exposure to the sun, flowers are always withered and lethargic? I heard that there was something wrong with the root, but I was fooled at that time. What should I do? Don't worry, I'll give you a good prescription.

Flower friends have encountered such a problem, to the flowers are also normal watering, but also normal exposure to the sun, flowers are always withered and lethargic? I heard that there was something wrong with the root, but I was fooled at that time. What should I do? Don't worry, I'll tell you a good way!

The performance of rotting roots of flowers:

Most of the flower friends have encountered the situation that the flowers raised at home have yellow leaves, fallen leaves, fallen buds, and wilted flowers. This situation is all too common! Many flower friends can not believe that this is the precursor of rotten roots!

The reason for the rotten roots of flowers:

The causes of rotting roots of flowers are very common. Let's take a look at yourself to see if there is such a situation:

1. Water in flowerpots

Watering too much is the most direct reason. Some flower lovers are so diligent that they just water the flowers with a kettle. They also water the flowers today and tomorrow. The flowers have not been used up yet, and the rest of the water is soaked in the flowerpot. No wonder the roots are rotten!

2. The basin soil is impervious.

The soil in the flowerpot is too dense, and the root system cannot breathe and stretch freely in the soil. If you soak it in some water, it will be more dense and airtight, and it will be suffocated for a long time!

3. Root system injury

Many newly bought gardenia flowers have the phenomenon of yellow leaves, and their roots are hurt before they come back! The flowers in the flower shed are planted in the ground, and the root system goes directly into the soil to absorb nutrients. When the flower plant hits the bud and the bud expands, the main root will be cut off and listed in separate pots. Therefore, many gardenia flowers come back with broken roots and have to plant slowly! Change the basin soil

4. The flowers are not ventilated.

Flowerpot ventilation is the most important point of flower cultivation! The ventilated environment is conducive to the volatilization of excess water, and there is no need to worry about the remaining water after the flowers are full. Some flower friends put it in the corner and do not move it for a long time. I really can't understand the flower language.

What should I do after the rotten roots?

The cultivation of triangular plum, gardenia, roses, jasmine, and other flowers is roughly the same, so the rotten roots are treated in roughly the same way, so let's make a specific analysis:

1. The performance of rotting root system

The roots, leaves and flowers of gardenia are consistent inside and outside. When the leaves of the flower plant are lethargic, the bud wilts off, and the leaves turn yellow, you have to consider that something happened to the root of the flower plant!

2. Inspection and cleaning

Considering that the root is rotten, don't hesitate to dig it out. Carefully separate the root of the flower plant from the pot soil, you must be careful! Can be brushed clean with a brush, can also be gently washed off with tap water, white root support is healthy, decay, blackening is sick. Carefully cut off the rotten roots until the healthy ones are cut out, mix them with water with carbendazim at the ratio of 1RV 1000, put the roots of the flowers inside and soak them for an hour or two, put them into a ventilated and cool place to dry, and then put them into the new soil for breeding. Remember that it is the new potted soil, because there are already bacteria in the old soil, so you can continue to use it only after sterilization!

If you take it out and find that most of the roots are broken, just cut off the roots! Then put it into the rooting water bubble, let it to water root, as long as it is wooden flower rod, can do so. A month or so will be fine.

3. Change the basin soil

If the root system is rotten, then there are germs in the old soil, so it is best to change the soil. If you change the soil, you have to change something loose and breathable. Rotten leaf soil, vermiculite, perlite according to the proportion of 4:1:1, this is the most conducive to the exuberant growth of flowers and plants! After deployment, mix the water with carbendazim at the ratio of 1 to 1000, then sterilize the new basin soil and dry it for semi-dry use.

4. Lighting

After the flower is replanted, water it thoroughly and put it in a cool and ventilated place. remember that you can't shine directly in bright light. The seedlings will recover in about 5-8 days, and then bask in the sun properly after slowing down the seedlings.

To avoid rotting roots, remember:

1. The basin soil must be loose and permeable.

This one is very important! Rotten leaf soil, vermiculite, perlite, sand, these are the best feedstuffs for flowers and plants, which are nutritious, loose and breathable, and are very suitable for flower growth. After deployment, it is better to sterilize and reuse.

2. Cushion it at the bottom of the flowerpot

The bottom of the flowerpot is covered with some broken bricks and nut shells to seep water and prevent soil from hardening. This is a little trick. But remember, never use a salty shell! These rubbish, waste utilization, effect lever drop

3. Watering reasonably

Plant flowers and remember one sentence: if the soil is not dry, it should be watered thoroughly. Remember, it will be good for you! If the awareness of dry and non-dry is not enough, you can insert a bamboo stick into the soil before watering and take it out for a while. If the bamboo stick is dry, there is a shortage of water. If the bamboo stick is wet, you don't have to water it any more. This method is very practical.

4. Ventilation

The vast majority of flowers, like a well-ventilated environment, it is necessary to love it, give it a suitable place to grow, the spirit of the plant, water Lingling, green long, flowers grow happy, we also look comfortable ah!

There is no need to rush the rotten roots of flowers, as long as they are properly maintained and treated correctly, they can be avoided and treated. You can also remember these, so OK!