
The secret of fattening Sedum succulent plants A bear boy who is fat all over the meat world

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Many meat friends ask me what is the "secret" of growing fat and succulent, but I really don't have the secret, but I am happy to share the experience with you. It is not difficult to grow fat and succulent. Often asked by many meat friends, why I raise succulent plants are so thick, at first.

A lot of meat friends asked me what the "secret" of fat and meat, the secret is really not, but I am happy to share the experience with you, it is not difficult to raise fat and meat!

I am often asked by many meat friends why the meat I raise is so fat. At first, I didn't feel very fat. Later, I found that it was really fat when I compared it with my meat friends. Many meat friends even suspect that I raise a short-leaved fleshy variety. Since I raised Sedum multiflorum, my biggest feeling is that the meat grows slowly but more solid, starting from the bear boy who is fat all over the "meat world".

This is my 2-year-old bear, has been chubby, very attractive (met it, is fate)!

I raised meat in Suzhou. Here, I want to say that different regions have different environments, and the meat raised will also be different. We should know that even the meat raised in the same region is very different, because of the influence of many factors such as light, watering, meat and soil.

When it comes to mixing soil, I use peat, perlite, river sand and vermiculite in a ratio of 2:1:1. Among them, river sand is my favorite. My fleshy seedlings start from leaf insertion and seedling transfer, and use a little more particles to mix soil. The disadvantage of such soil mixing is that it grows very slowly, and the advantage is that it really grows very fat.

Because of the large number of succulent plants, I spent more than half a year to complete two small flower sheds. The water in the shed evaporated relatively quickly. In addition, the proportion of soil I gave to succulent plants was mostly granular, so I needed regular watering.

Before trying to plant meat into earthen pots, did not expect water evaporation faster, often two or three days to irrigate water, dry too fast, the growth of succulent plants inside is not very good. Later, after groping, I found that it would be better to plant pot grass around the fleshy plants, so that the soil would not dry too fast.

Here you can give us an immature small advice: if your meat space is relatively spacious, it is recommended that you cover the underground soil with a thick layer of yellow sand, and then "sit" on the meat basin. In this case, even if you forget to water for two or three months, you won't die. The yellow sand under the basin, poured down the water directly through the basin, flow to the bottom of the yellow sand, succulent plant roots will quickly extend down firmly, quite robust!

There is also a very "alternative" dipping pot method, which is common to succulent plants. We will talk about it next time.