
Don't grow flowers like this, or your flowers will die.

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Flowers are synonymous with beauty, a touch of green, a few points of red, can always make one side of the world instantly vivid. Whether at home or in the office, raising a few pots of flowers can not only beautify the environment but also cultivate the mood of life, but when watching yourself work hard.

Flowers are synonymous with beauty, a touch of green, a few points of red, can always make one side of the world instantly vivid. Whether at home or in the office, raising a few pots of flowers and plants can not only beautify the environment but also cultivate the mood of life, but when watching their hard maintenance of flowers and plants lost their lives, the heart can not help but frustrated and sad.

Why can't the flowers always live longer? How on earth should we grow flowers? Is it right to grow flowers in this way? This must be a question in the minds of many flower growers, especially beginners. Today, the editor will take an inventory of some misunderstandings about growing flowers for you.

Watering only wet noodles?

Misunderstanding one

Watering is the most basic work of flower and plant maintenance. Watering must be thoroughly, not only "half of the water", only wet basin watering method, it is easy to make the flower root water supply is insufficient, resulting in defoliation, and even die in serious cases. Therefore, watering must adhere to the principle of "no dry, no watering, watering thoroughly".

Irrespective of time watering?

Misunderstanding 2.

The temperature and humidity are different throughout the year, and there will be a temperature difference within a day, so the time to water the flowers and plants also needs to be grasped. In general, it is more appropriate to water before ten o'clock in the morning in the three seasons of spring, summer and autumn, and around four o'clock in the afternoon in winter. Remember: do not water at noon when the temperature is very high in summer, this will make the temperature of the soil drop suddenly, flowers and plants easy to "catch a cold", slow down the absorption of water, the water supply will be insufficient, causing the upper leaves of the plant to scorch.

Water the flowers with leftover tea?

Misunderstanding three

According to common sense, pouring leftover tea into flowerpots can replenish plants, but this will increase the acidity and alkalinity of the soil, causing chlorosis and even plant death. Leftover tea may also breed germs in the process of decomposition, affecting the growth of flowers.

Wipe the leaves of plants or spray water to moisturize at night?

Misunderstanding four

Flowers are different from our faces and do not need to do facial masks to moisturize at night. Spray water on flowers and leaves at night or wash flower leaves with a wet cloth. If water is left on the leaves, it is easy to cause plant leaves to rot, thus causing diseases and insect pests.

Put the flowers next to the TV to absorb radiation?

Misunderstanding 5

Plants do not have "superpowers". Think that putting flowers next to the TV set can reduce radiation, but do not know that doing so has a great lethal effect on flowers, the radiation emitted by the TV set at work will destroy the reproduction of plant cells, and for a long time may also lead to the death of flowers.

The more fertilizer, the stronger the plant?

Misunderstanding 6

Excess nutrition is harmful to any kind of creature, and flowers and plants are not immune from vulgarity. In the maintenance of flowers and plants, excessive concentration or excessive fertilization can easily cause fertilizer damage, resulting in poor growth of flowers, and even "fat death" in serious cases. "thin fertilizer and frequent application" is a better choice.

Fertilize more sick flowers and plants?

Misunderstanding 7

The principle of "make up for illness" does not apply to the maintenance of flowers and plants. When the plant is sick, the branches and leaves are thin and weak, the photosynthesis is poor, the metabolism will be slow, blindly after fertilizer, it will be eager for quick success and quick profit, counterproductive, so that the flowers and plants can not bear the burden.

Indoor flowers and plants don't need to be ventilated often.

Misunderstanding 8

Ventilation is very important to the growth of plants. Poor ventilation not only affects the normal breathing of flowers, but also affects the normal growth. Always keep indoor ventilation, let the plants in the natural environment, in order to ensure the normal breathing and growth of flowers.

Indoor flowers are only kept indoors?

Misunderstanding 9

Sunlight is the existence of life to plants, and even flowers kept indoors should always be exposed to the sun. If you stay in the house for a long time, it will lead to malnutrition due to insufficient sunlight. therefore, plants should be moved outdoors to come into contact with the sun while avoiding high temperatures in summer and low temperatures in winter.

After watching the nine misunderstandings of flower conservation, you don't have to worry about growing flowers; if you want to grow flowers, don't worry about it, and let your family live with new friends.