
Self-raised happiness tree remember these points: yellow leaves, no deciduous leaves, oil green blossoming sticks.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Happiness is easier to breed. It is also a necessary green plant in the family living room. Most families are farmed. What kind of fertilizer is suitable for the happiness tree? First of all, let's talk about the choice of fertilizer for growing flowers. The green plants of flowers that are always available in the family.

Happiness is better cultivated. It is also a necessary green plant in the family living room. Most families are farmed. What kind of fertilizer is suitable for happiness trees? First of all, let's talk about the choice of fertilizer.

For flowers and green plants that are prepared for family use, fertilization is generally selected according to flowering and non-flowering. For flowering plants, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are generally selected. Phosphorus and potassium fertilizers can promote flowering. For plants that do not bloom, they are selected. that is, selecting fertilizer with high nitrogen and potassium content. This fertilizer is to promote his strong branches, luxuriant foliage.

Happy trees are flowering flowers. The flowers are also pretty. So this way it fertilizes, spring, we choose phosphorus and potassium-based fertilizer. Because it blooms from May to September, spring treatments with phosphorus and potassium are effective in promoting flowering. After it blooms, first, we're going to give it a multi-element mix. Plants needed all kinds of elements to grow, so they could only grow well if they did not lack any elements. After that, we will use high-nitrogen and high-potassium fertilizers as the main fertilizer, so that its branches and leaves grow luxuriantly and its leaves are green. The branches will be thick.

Happiness tree in the growing season, two to three times a month fertilizer. It must not be lacking, winter temperature is too low it will stop growing, this time can not be fertilized. Keep the soil slightly moist and spray it regularly. We can safely winter.

Happiness tree is like high temperature and humidity, sunny environment. Because it is more resistant to high temperatures, it is said that summer is also normal growth. Especially indoor farming, the air is relatively dry. That's why it has to be ventilated. Every day to give it water spray, maintain the humidity of the air, the soil has been kept moist, the bottom of the tray children do not accumulate water, happiness tree most afraid of water, water is easy to rot roots. The soil must be loose and breathable. Go and show him scattered light regularly. After photosynthesis is good, he can grow well.

Fertilization, watering, lighting, ventilation, these key points have been grasped, raising happiness trees, there is no difficulty at all, you can also raise very good!

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