
Gardenia, green apple... Yellow again? Learn 2 tricks, immediately green oil, rub crazy growth!

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Huahua bought a pot of mint at the weekend, but within a few days, she found that the leaves were withered and yellow, wilting and dying! So, today Huahua will talk about why the flowers at home are always yellow leaves.

Why does gardenia always have yellow hair?

Spring happens to be the time when gardenia blossoms, but many flower friends find that why the gardenia at home is kept, the leaves are all yellow? What's wrong with this?

Main reason 1: too much watering

Many flower friends buy gardenia home, always can not control their hands, want to water gardenia to ensure humidity, but did not expect that the root system of gardenia can not absorb so much, and finally basically rotten yellow leaves.


1. Once it is found that gardenia has yellow leaves, cut off the yellowing leaves and cut off those old branches and weak branches together to promote ventilation.

2. If you want to avoid stagnant water and rotten roots, you can use the soaking basin method to water the roots, then find a larger plastic bag, cover the whole gardenia flower, and put it in a bright indoor place.

Main reason 2: lack of iron

Gardenia likes acidic soil, generally raised in the north of the gardenia, will be because of the soil alkali, leading to yellow leaf phenomenon. At first, the leaves just yellowed and the veins were green. After a long time, all the leaves turned yellow.


1, ferrous sulfate and water according to the ratio of 1: 2000 into a solution, directly to the gardenia, about 2-3 times, you can avoid yellow leaves.

2. Ferrous sulfate should be used in time after mixing with water, and should not be placed. Because just mixed with water ferrous sulfate is gardenia can absorb turquoise, but placed for a long time will oxidize, gardenia can not be absorbed.

Why does asparagus always turn yellow?

When it comes to asparagus, many flower friends simply burst into bitter tears and buy a pot of yellow. What on earth is the matter with asparagus?

One of the main reasons: insufficient humidity

Although asparagus roots are afraid of stagnant water, they like the environment with high humidity. Generally, the home is relatively dry, so it is easy to cause yellow leaves of asparagus because of insufficient humidity.


1. Water about once every 3-5 days in spring. Insert the stick into the soil and find that it is dry and then watered 2-3cm away from the surface of the basin soil.

2. In the morning and evening, a fine-eye spray can be used to spray water on the blade and the surrounding air to ensure sufficient air humidity.

The second main reason is that it is in the wrong position.

Asparagus posture elegant, resulting in many flower friends like to put in the living room, but it is afraid of smoke, if put in the kitchen oil fume place, or living room TV dramas and other radiation places, will also lead to large areas of leaves yellowing.


1. Asparagus can not be exposed to the sun, but can be placed in bright indoor places, such as study, living room and so on.

2, pay attention to stay away from the kitchen oil fume heavy places and TV sets and other radioactive appliances next to.

Why does green pineapple always turn yellow?

Speaking of the flowers often raised at home, if the green pineapple ranks first, then no flower dares to rank second. Although green pineapple looks very easy to raise, but once the yellow leaves, it can make people worry!

Main reason 1: improper watering

Although the green apple likes water, it cannot accumulate water in the basin. Once the water accumulates, it will cause the leaves to turn yellow, even the rotten roots will die and become warped, while the lack of water will affect the normal growth of the green apple, and the phenomenon of yellow leaves will also occur.


1. The green apple is growing in spring, and it is watered once every 3-5 days until water flows out from the bottom of the basin.

2. If there is stagnant water and rotten roots, put the flowerpot in a cool and ventilated place to let the water evaporate, or put a towel at the bottom of the basin to absorb excess water.

The second main reason: lack of fertilizer

In the peak growth period of green pineapple, it is necessary to ensure an adequate supply of fertilizer. if there is a lack of nutrients, it is easy to lead to a lack of nutrients, the new leaves turn yellow, and then the old leaves will gradually turn yellow and fall off.


1. Mix the rotten rice or milk water with clear water according to the ratio of 1: 50, and pour it into the green pineapple to replenish the nutrients.

2, you can also mix beer with water at 1:50, spray leaves or wipe leaves to green pineapple, can also supplement nutrients, so that green pineapple more and more prosperous!

Why does the rose always turn yellow?

After the Beginning of Summer, the rose is the most likely to appear yellow leaves, many flower friends think it is a lack of fat, in fact, it is not.

Main reason 1: too much watering

Although the rose likes water, but if it is watered every other time, or catch up with continuous rainy days, the leaves will turn yellow. Generally speaking, the edges of the old leaves begin to turn yellow and dry, and the new shoots atrophy and do not grow.


1. Put the flowerpot in a ventilated place and let the excess water in the soil evaporate as soon as possible. Do not apply fertilizer during this period, otherwise the root system is prone to infection and death.

2. If the stagnant water is serious, remove the rose from the basin, put it in a cool place, and dry the soil until it is dry for seven or eight minutes and then put on the basin.

The second main reason: excessive fertilization

In order to make the rose blossom more frequently, many flower friends fertilize the rose frequently, or the concentration of fertilizer is too high, which will lead to the yellow leaves of the rose. Generally speaking, the new leaves are shiny, but uneven, while the old leaves are scorched yellow, even aging and falling off.


1. Stop fertilizing, wash the basin soil several times with water, completely dilute the fertilizer, and change the basin directly.

2. Spraying leaves or irrigating roots of rose with 2500 times of brassin can alleviate the effect.

Why do rich trees always turn yellow?

Because it means that money is rolling in, many flower friends raise pots and make a fortune tree at home, but I don't know when, this wealth tree is always with yellow leaves, and I can't find the reason, which is simply tiring!

Main reason 1: stagnant water and rotten roots

The root system of the rich tree is very shallow, and if it is carelessly watered, it will lead to stagnant water and rotten roots, and the leaves will naturally turn yellow.


1. If the stagnant water is not serious, put the flowerpot in a ventilated place and let the excess water evaporate. You can also put a few small stones at the bottom of the flowerpot and raise the flowerpot so that the stagnant water can flow out from the bottom of the pot.

2. If the stagnant water seriously leads to rotten roots, it can only be removed from the basin, cut off the rotten roots, and then put on the basin again.

The second main reason: lack of fertilizer

The rich tree plant is tall, want to grow prosperous, fertilizer is indispensable, if the fertilizer supply is insufficient, the rich tree will begin to yellow leaves, generally the new leaves are yellow wilting, and the old leaves will gradually turn yellow.


1. If there is compound fertilizer at home, dig 2-3 small holes along the edge of the rich tree basin and bury the compound fertilizer particles so that the compound fertilizer particles can infiltrate into the basin soil with watering.

2. When changing the basin, fertilizers such as bone meal and bean dregs can be mixed with the garden soil as base fertilizer.

Huahua, that's all for today.

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