
Extra nickname summer is coming.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Curator the Beginning of Summer two days ago represents the beginning of summer. For most succulent plants, the hardest period of the year is coming, and succulent plants are about to enter the great test period of the year. Meat friends still remember 2.


Picture and text: curator

The Beginning of Summer two days ago, represents the beginning of summer, for most succulent plants, the most difficult period of the year is coming, succulent plants are about to enter the great test period of the year. Do you remember the summer of 2016? It was a cruel summer, a black summer.

Beginners must study the knowledge of succulent management in summer. If you ignore this point, it will easily lead to decay and death.

How to spend the summer? It's a headache for beginners. Today, let's learn the required course of succulent summer, so that your succulent plant can spend the summer safely.

The main results are as follows: 1. In order to make your meat safe in summer, we should first find out whether it belongs to winter type, summer type or spring and autumn type, and then arrange different maintenance methods according to its habits. Winter-type and spring-autumn succulent plants begin to dormancy after summer, which are objects that need to be protected; although summer-type succulent plants grow as usual, they should also pay attention to avoid direct sunlight at noon.

2. Ventilation, sunshade and water shelter are the three major elements of summer maintenance. No matter which type of succulent plant it is, it needs a good ventilation environment. In a muggy and humid environment, poor air circulation is not conducive to water evaporation, but also difficult to reduce the temperature, which can easily lead to decay. The humidity of the air in summer is higher than that in other seasons, and even the genus Reed, which likes high humidity, has to leave the stuffy environment at this time.

3. Succulent plants should also be avoided in the open air in summer, so as not to be attacked by hail and torrential rain. For succulent plants that do not know whether they are winter or summer, they can be foolproof as long as they follow the three key points of avoiding the scorching sun, controlling watering and ensuring ventilation.

[key points for the maintenance of winter and spring-autumn succulent plants]

Lighting: winter-type succulent plants basically stop growing in summer, to avoid direct sunlight, but can not be placed in an environment without light, otherwise it may cause overgrowth and affect the appearance. It is recommended to put it on the windowsill in the southwest, or in the place where there is no direct sunlight, pay attention to ventilation.

Temperature: although the origin of succulent plants is in the hot zone, we should pay attention to ventilation and cooling if the temperature continues to be higher than 35 degrees. If it is a family plant, it should be kept indoors and well ventilated. You can open the window at home, and it is best to leave a gap in the window when there is no one. In addition, laying a layer of volcanic stone on the surface of the soil layer of the flowerpot can also play a role in cooling.

Watering: succulent plants avoid stagnant water, especially in summer, growers will feel that the soil moisture will soon dry, often watering, resulting in long-term wet and rotten roots, difficult to return to the sky. In fact, the summer air humidity, although it seems that the soil surface has been dry, but the bottom throw is not dry, especially in the south. For winter-type succulent plants, watering should be strictly controlled in summer, and water cut-off can be considered for more than 35 degrees. Even if watering, only use a pressure spray can to wet the soil surface to avoid sprinkling water droplets on the leaves. If there are obvious water droplets remaining in the leaves, they should be blown away so that the water droplets will not gather strong light to burn the leaves.

[key points for the maintenance of summer-type succulent plants]

Lighting: summer-type succulent plants are in the growing period in summer, so they should be given sufficient sunlight, otherwise the plants are easy to grow, especially the succulent stems of Cactus and Euphorbiaceae will become slender due to lack of light. And difficult to recover. Therefore, a well-lit environment is most conducive to the growth of such plants, but when the summer afternoon is higher than 35 degrees, strong direct sunlight will still cause Shanghai to some delicate varieties, so it is necessary to avoid the light properly.

Temperature: like winter-type species, summer-type succulent plants should also pay attention to the adverse effects of extreme high temperature weather on plants. Ventilation is a necessary condition, and other ways can be used to reduce the temperature of plant growth environment.

Watering: summer-type succulent plants during the growing period need a little more water, otherwise they will stop growing. Just choose watering in the early morning and after the evening, to avoid high temperatures at noon. The droplets poured on the leaves should also be blown away in time. Even summer-type succulent plants need to wait until the soil is completely dry before watering, otherwise there is still a danger of rotting roots. You can insert the toothpick into the soil, and if there is moisture after taking it out, don't water it in a hurry!

The following are common winter type, spring and autumn type succulent plants and common summer type succulent plants

[common winter type planting, spring and autumn type succulent plants]


Tile Reed: common striped 12 rolls, Baocao, Yulu, Shou, Jincheng, Dragon scale, Jade Fan, Vientiane, etc.

Horn Hall: it is common to have the Great Cangjiao Hall and so on.

Sand fish: there are common tiger rolls, Zibao, crouching cattle, Zhaoji, dinosaurs, etc.

Sedum family

Green lock dragon genus: common Ba, Jade Chun, Green Pagoda, du Xing, Lu Qianyu, Xing Yi Nu, Longgong City, Li Finch, etc.

Sedum genus: it is common to have Mingyue, jade bead curtain, B female heart, 8,000 generations, rainbow jade, Huang Li, round leaf ten thousand grass and so on.

Stone lotus genus: there are moon shadow, Dahejin, black Yuzi, chihuahua, jade butterfly, Xuhe, etc.

Lotus palm: Xiying, black mage, etc.

Yinbojin genus: Funiang, Xubo Light, Yinbojin, Bear Boy, etc.


Stone flower genus: common stone flower, pattern jade, sun wheel jade and so on


To the genus Chunqiu (Spring and Autumn type): there are Emperor Jade, Qingluan, Phoenix eggs and so on.

Tongue leaf flower genus (spring and autumn type): there are Anlu, early B female, folding crane and so on.

[common summer type succulent plants]

Cactus family

Most cactus plants belong to summer type.


Most Euphorbiaceae plants belong to summer type.

Sedum family

The genus Brassica: it is common to have Tang Yin, Edo Purple, Rabbit ear, Fairy Dance and so on.

Fan sparrow green lock dragon (summer type species): common if green, magic knife, flower moon, fire sacrifice, green lock dragon, sunset geese, etc.

Wassong genus: it is common to have lotus flowers, rock years, wolf claw trees, etc.

Tequila family

Tequila: it is common to have tequila, Thor, blowing, snow of the princess, etc.

Buffalo horns of the family Rumoraceae: common purple dragon horns, sword dragon horns, dragon horns, Asura, red striped horns, etc.

Chandelier genus: common love vines, green rain, etc.

Here are 18 personal summer experiences of Hua you. I hope they can be of some help to you.

January, after May, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai basically do not enter the meat, if they do not take root by June, they will basically die.

2. With regard to the sunshade net, many great gods can use it, and I also used it last year. As a result, I didn't take ventilation into account, so a few died. When using sunshade net, we must pay attention to ventilation!

3. Small ones are easy to hang (quiet night red clothes), ball leaves are easy to hang (peach peach beauty), and thin leaves are easy to hang (ice plum snowballs). Of course, this is only my own statistics.

4. No exposure. I did this stupid thing last year and thought it was all right. As a result, I went out to play for 10 days. The bear was wiped out and died miserably. It was all the feeling of being sucked dry.

PS: I would like to add that many flower lovers are scared to death when they see this. I mean exposure to the sun. After 10:00, the sun before 16:00, try not to bask in the sun, especially small pots of meat, it is not impossible to bask in the sun. Attention, dear, ha ~ according to their own actual situation, some people are unable to achieve this condition, but in any case, they must be ventilated!

5. Attention must be paid to watering! Many people like to use trays. According to my experience over the past few years, if the bottom of the flowerpot can also be breathable, that is excellent. Some people are upper and lower levels, we must pay attention to the above water down, whether it will drop into the flowerpot below, this is a big taboo.

About the amount of watering: some people say that a little watering every day, some say once thoroughly, some say ice, I think it should be based on the actual situation (this is not nonsense), in fact, how you water, summer as before to reduce the number of times, not necessarily get the summer, suddenly changed the watering method, to use other gods what watering method, but the meat can not stand.

6. About the selection basin. Pots are very important. Red pottery pots, ceramic pots (including glazed pots, various soup bowls and teacups), purple sand pots, coarse pottery pots, plastic pots (including small black square, Vientiane pots, root control pots, and bottom tray water retention basins) are now popular. I would like to focus on this.

a. Taboos for selecting pots:

Small red pottery basin and thumb basin: for example, 175px's little red pottery basin, there is not much soil, water loss is fast. The thumb basin does not explain, it is too small to understand, only the function for taking pictures is left.

PS added: as I can't avoid going out in summer, I basically eliminated the little red pottery basin. If you take care of it at home every day, you can have any small pottery basin with thumb.

Red pottery basin: water loss is too fast, watering too much and stuffy, it is difficult for beginners to grasp the balance.

Ceramic basin without holes: unless you are good at watering, and even if there is ceramsite drainage at the bottom, because the water is still at the bottom of the basin, it is actually a sauna in summer.

Non-porous white pottery basin: impervious to water and air. Summer is a succulent killer.

Choking basins: especially those with European style, or what I commonly call Guanyin bottles, those with big belly and small neck are not suitable for heat dissipation, especially in summer, the surface seems to be dry, but in fact it is so hot and humid that it is impossible to breathe at all.

A basin where the meat is bigger than the pot: especially the meat that has completely covered the mouth of the flower pot. I think watering in summer must have a large area of soil and air on the surface, and it is most advantageous to evaporate immediately after watering.

b. The amount of water in various flowerpots

Red pottery basin: look at the size, because the red pottery basin water retention is not good, almost often watering, it is best to water at night, almost transparent during the day, there is no water to weigh it. People who really do not dare to water, in fact, flush with tap water on the surface of the basin, there will be water inside. Basins below 175px can basically be eliminated.

Ceramic basin: the water retention of ceramic basin is good, unless it is those with wide mouth, you can pour a circle of water along the basin wall, no more nor less.

Purple sand basin: the water retention of purple sand basin is between red pottery and ceramics, of course, many purple sand basins are fake, you have to depend on the situation, according to the watering method of ceramic basin. Handle it yourself. Similar to the purple sand basin, there is also a vegetarian roasting basin.

Plastic basin: if you are using 7: 7 small black square this year, you must pay attention to watering. The small black square is easy to dry. If your meat is relatively large, it is recommended that you change it to something above 10: 10. There are also those root control basins, which have more holes and should be watered frequently and quickly. And those who have a tray at the bottom say that all you have to do is to inject water in summer, and you don't have to be superstitious about replacing it all with this flowerpot. I'll talk about how to use this principle later.

c. What kind of basin is better?

I think pottery basin or purple sand basin is the best, which must be wide-mouthed. Good water retention and strong air permeability. The basin is not too high, usually 7-8 cm will be enough. You'd better have a larger diameter. Of course, the old pile or twelve rolls should be given a deeper one, this kind of meat root is very strong.

7. Moisturizing in summer

First of all, can not be exposed to the sun, preferably the north balcony. The most important thing is ventilation, if there are conditions, you can be prepared to use electric fan ventilation, (afraid of electricity or fan heat? (I'm going to buy a timing switch (under 30 yuan will be fine). Start the fan for 10 minutes every hour. Crazy fan, I have calculated, 3 days 1 kilowatt hour look like.

It is important to pay special attention to the fact that water + big sun = black rot, we must pay attention to the case of water can not bask in the sun.

8. Do you want to plant potted grass?

Potted grass mainly refers to Ji Xing beauty, Buddha nail grass, golden perennial grass, thin snow and so on. Many people say that potted grass can lower the temperature of the soil surface. in fact, according to my observation this year, the root system of potted grass is very well developed. they will occupy the space of meat, separate the moisture of meat, and it is not breathable, so it is recommended not to use potted grass. In addition, we should pay attention to whether there is a powerful species of undead birds in the platter. I dug up the roots in a platter last year, and the bottom layer is almost full of the roots of undead birds.

PS: this point is very controversial, I may also be preconceived, in fact, I have seen a lot of meat friends, very small pot to grow meat, but also to plant some thin snow, it is really extremely crowded.

If you are a big pot, it doesn't hurt to plant some. But I hope you can turn the pot every year. I have a 2-year-old platter, in which the meat and potted grass grow very well, but when I turned the pot this year, I still saw a worrying situation, because my pot was very thin, except that there was some soil near the root of the meat. Almost all the other soil is occupied by the root of the potted grass. I had to rearrange the soil, and after planting the meat, I did plant some more potted grass. What to say, it depends on the actual situation. If your grass is newly planted, there will be no problem this summer. If your grass has not been managed for many years, it is recommended to dig it up and turn it over. Trim the root and change the soil.

Which is better, soaking basin or watering?

Watering helps the surface to get wet and dry quickly. After the surface is watered, it can be blown dry immediately. It won't make it stuffy inside.

If you don't want to water, soak the basin gently for a short time to keep the bottom of the basin moist, simulating the illusion of being wet, and the roots of the meat will keep stretching down. The flower pot that soaks the pot must have a wide mouth.

10. Moisturizing of seedlings

Seedlings to grow watering, seedlings will not summer dormancy, must preserve water, but also like other meat, water can not be too much, easy to cover bad, seedlings had better be soaked in the basin.

11. Meiyu season

Before summer comes, there is also a plum rain season, the plum rain season is not terrible, as long as ventilation, before the plum rain season comes, please add a little carbendazim when watering! Last year, the rainy season in Jiangsu and Zhejiang was in mid-June. Please pay attention. It's not the rainy season these days.

Dew friends, there is no way, everyone's environment is different, to find a way to avoid the rain, we must pay attention to ventilation.

12. Autumn tiger

Many people's meat will be fine in summer and will die in autumn. Please pay attention to it. September will still be very hot. We must live in the summer way. Water must not be watered too much! If you pour too much, you must be ventilated and then ventilated.

13, mix soil: very simple, particles and peat, good water retention basin particles a little more, strong permeability, a little more peat. I'm basically 1:1.

14. Meat that is easy to spend the summer: I think it's easy to bring powder: snow lotus, hibiscus.

15. Air-conditioned room: since there are conditions for air conditioning, then equipped with an electric fan! Make sure it's safe.

16, eliminated basin: after years of elimination of the basin, do not waste, plant some Jixing and thin snow bar, autumn will burst, will be very lovely.

17. About the folk prescriptions spread by rivers and lakes: some great gods dug up the meat directly last year, especially those without roots, and they can take root slowly through summer, and they are not afraid to cover up bad things. I haven't tried it, but it looks like a good idea. Suitable for people who still buy meat in June, especially Dutch meat without roots, the meat is big enough to ensure that they will not be consumed to death, and can slowly take root, if it is a little Jilian, then I have nothing to say, I wish you success!

18. Check your flowerpot again

Withered leaves should be removed, water is easy to rot in summer, and it is not breathable.

See if there are any bugs and give the medicine in time. How is the soil loss in some flowerpots? does it need to be mended? Is there any ornament on the surface of the flowerpot that is too large, such as impervious stone? please remove it. Keep getting some air. If you haven't taken root for several months, you must see what's going on, and hurry up to change the basin and soil again. It's getting late.

PS: about the unfortunate death of meat, remember not to throw away, some meat, especially the old pile (lotus belongs to, such as the black mage), the leaves may have fallen off, but it is very likely that new buds will grow in autumn, black rot will not generally come back to life, but please do not be sad, maybe there will be a surprise in autumn! You think the dead meat, please also give a little water, if there is no movement in October in autumn, it can only be thrown away.

The article is organized by the succulent plant boutique, the copyright belongs to the original author, some articles can not find out the source, marked as the source network, if there is any infringement, please contact us immediately, we will deal with it in time.