
Camellia learns several techniques well and blossoms all over the tree

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The tree shape, flowers and leaves of camellia have high ornamental value. It is one of the ornamental plants that flower friends are familiar with and beloved. When it is full of flowers, it is as red as fire and white as jade. It is even more delicate and elegant against the green leaves.

The tree shape, flowers and leaves of camellia have high ornamental value. It is one of the ornamental plants that flower friends are familiar with and beloved. When it is full of flowers, it is as red as fire and white as jade. Against the green leaves, it appears more delicate and elegant.

So, do you want your camellias to bloom all over the tree? Then learn these skills!

Camellia likes acid and alkali, and does not grow well or can not grow in alkaline soil or even neutral soil, so potted plants must prepare soil in advance. For pot soil, the sandy black mountain soil rich in humus is the best. PH is 4.5-6. If there is no suitable mountain land, you can make it yourself. The mixed soil can be composted according to the proportion of 4 parts of sandy loam, 3 parts of rotten leaf soil and 3 parts of compost soil.

After October, the aboveground part of camellia has stopped growing and entered the dormant period, while the root system is still active. During this period, it is appropriate to put on the basin and change the basin, which is beneficial to the growth of the next year. After putting on the pot, it can be put in a place of shelter and shade, and after 10-15 days, the pot can be transferred to the cold room to the sunny place to survive the winter.

In the middle and late April of spring, move out of the room and put it away from the wind and toward the sun. Move into the shade shed from late May to early June to avoid exposure to the hot sun. At first, it only needs to be shaded at noon, and as the climate is getting hot, the shading time should be gradually prolonged, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. from the beginning of July to the end of August, the shading time will be shortened at the beginning of September, and there will be no shade after October. In late October, in order to prevent the harm of early frost, curtains should be placed at night and put indoors at the beginning of November.

In addition, although camellia is not a fertilizer-loving plant, it cannot grow well and blossom well due to lack of nutrients. Generally in the basin or change the basin, put some hoof horn shavings at the bottom of the basin. When the spring is booming, apply a thin organic nutrient solution, the ratio is water: fertilizer 500: 1. Whether to apply fertilizer or not is determined according to the growth situation in autumn. When camellia flowers are indoors in winter, the potted noodles can be sprinkled with some cake fertilizer.

Raising camellias and watering is a regular management work. After putting on the basin, the first watering must be thoroughly watered, and then watered every 1-2 days. Generally speaking, the basin can be watered when the soil is white. If the basin soil is too wet for a long time, it is easy to cause rotten roots. There is a large amount of evaporation in summer and more water is needed. It should be irrigated once a day or once in the morning and evening according to the sunny and rainy weather. In addition to irrigation from the roots, water can also be sprinkled on the ground around the basin to increase air humidity and lower air temperature, resulting in a microclimate conducive to the growth of camellia.

Camellia has completed flower bud differentiation from July to August, and then gradually developed, showing buds at the end of the branch. There are often a few buds on the tops of branches. In order to avoid nutrient dispersion and early flowering, bud thinning should be carried out after budding. Generally speaking, only 1-2 buds are left at the end of the branch, and 1 bud is left in the leaf axil. In this way, due to the different size and development of buds, the later flowering is not the same sooner or later, so the viewing time can be adjusted and prolonged by thinning buds.

Camellia leaves often appear the phenomenon of green and yellowing, generally due to the lack of soil acidity or too strong, resulting in some trace elements can not be absorbed and utilized by camellia. In order to prevent yellowing, 800 times organic nutrient solution is usually poured every 15-20 days, and then 0.2-0.3% sulphuric acid is added to smelt iron.